Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Howdy do! Welcome to Tuesday Tales. This week we have another snippet from "Sam's Decision." Don't forget to hop on over and read the wonderful stories from the Tuesday Tales writers. Find them HERE


Her mouth fell open slightly and her eyes widened. “You what?”

“You heard me. Marry me, Becky.”

“And be your farmhand?”

“Be my wife, my partner on my farm. I need a smart wife, like you.”

“I don’t know nuthin’ about farmin’, Sam.”

"There's nothin' to it. Throw some seeds in the ground, milk a cow. Nothin' to it," Sam said, trying to control his blush at his bald-faced lie. “I’ll teach you everything. You can milk a cow, can’t you?”

“And a goat, too. And shear a sheep.”

“See, you’re ready.” He took her hand again. “It’ll be you and me. I love you. I’ll take good care of you. You won’t be a farmhand, you’ll be my beautiful wife.”

With wide eyes, Becky withdrew her hand. “No.”

That's it. Short & sweet this week. Thanks for stopping by. Please don't forget to leave a comment. 


  1. He might love her and should've led with that. She's not a fool and knows there's more to being a farmer's wife than he's saying. No wonder she turned him down. Great scene.

  2. She was blunt with her no! I get the feeling she likes him but may not be drawn to life on a farm, although it's impressive that she can already milk a cow and shear a sheep. Either that or she needed to hear how he felt about her from the start. He needed to lead with his emotion for her, rather than how she fits his idea of a perfect farming couple. Poor guy. He's a good guy.

  3. Ha! He doesn't know how hard farming is. I think she does! LOL

  4. Oh no! That didn’t go according to plan. Hopefully he gets another chance to propose. Great job!
