Monday, June 17, 2024



Howdy do! Welcome to Tuesday Tales. We have another episode of "Sam's Decision" today. We're 

writing to the word prompt "green". Don't forget to pop off to read the terrific stories by the other Tuesday Tales writers. Find them HERE


“Of course, come in.” She swept the last remnants of dirt out the door, then stepped inside, leaving the door open for Sam. He entered and followed her up to the counter.

“What can I do for you?” She donned a white apron with a ruffled hem.

“Don’t need nothin’. Want to talk about you and me.”

“Oh?” She raised her eyebrows and the pink in her cheeks darkened.

Sam took her hand in both of his. “I have plans, Becky. Big plans. I want to have my own farm, like my pa did. I’m gonna get one from Old Man Fitch.”

“But you have a good job with Caleb. You’re learning smithing and doing fine, so I hear.”

Sam lowered his gaze. “Yeah. I know. Caleb’s been good to me. I don’t mind smithing, but I’d rather have my own place. Run things myself, like my pa did. I’m a man of the earth. I want to grow my own crops. Have cows, maybe even a horse someday.”

“You have Sunshine.”

Sam snorted. “A goat. And she belongs to my sister. I want my own animals, my own place.” He raised his gaze to hers. He loved her bright red hair, and her intelligence. “You’re smart, Becky. I’m gonna need a wife. One who is not afraid to get her hands dirty. I’ll need a woman to help me run the farm.”

“You could just hire a farmhand.” Her lips compressed into a fine line.

“This ain’t comin’ out right. You know what I mean.”

She removed her hand. “No, I don’t, Sam Chesney. Seems to me like you should put up a ‘farmhand wanted’ sign outside the store.” She turned her back to him to attend to something on the shelf behind her.

“Becky. Come on. You know what I mean. I’m getting all confused.” Sam felt as green as the grass on the meadow. 

“I’ll say you are. If you’re expecting me to be a farmhand. You’re darn confused.” She turned her attention back to the shelf.

Frustrated, Sam stepped behind the counter and turned her around to face him. “Becky Rhodes, you know what I mean.”

Shooting him a cool look, she said, “I don’t and you’re not supposed to be back here.”

He grabbed her upper arms and jerked her to his chest before he brought his mouth down on hers in a hard kiss. Becky leaned into him, resting her hands on his shoulders. He broke suddenly, stepped back and stared at her with hot eyes.

“You know what I mean, Becky. I love you. I want you to be my wife.”

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Kiss of truth! The kiss shook the right words out of him. Love this scene and how she keeps herself in hand throughout his stumbling.

  2. He's a bumbling mess. Gotta love how he keeps trying. LOL! And good for her for knowing her worth.

  3. Ah, he’s flustered! Yep, he’s right. He did not get that out well. Hopefully that kiss clears things up! Great job!
