Tuesday, June 11, 2024



Welcome! Today, we are writing to the word prompt "flimsy.." I have another snippet from my new work-in-progress, "Sam's Decision." Don't forget to visit all the Tuesday Tales authors. Find them HERE



When Sam returned to the Inn where he lived with his grandmother, Martha, and his little sister, Lizzie, he laid his kill on the kitchen table.

“Oh, good. Duck for supper. Here, Sam,” Martha said, handing him a buttered corn muffin.

No one made muffins and bread as good as Martha, except maybe his sister, Sarah. He bit into the tender, warm confection and wiped the dribble of melted sweet, creamy butter from his chin. Between bites he blurted out Sarah’s news.

“Well shear my sheep! It’s about time that young woman got busy. Land sakes, I thought this would never happen.” Martha grinned.

“Ben said she told Mama already.”

“I wondered why Abby had a sly look on her face and avoided me last night with a flimsy excuse.” Martha shook her head. She looked down to see three-year-old Jem Tanner, her newest grandchild, tugging on her skirt. “More little ones in my kitchen!” She picked up a muffin, slathered it with butter and handed it to the little boy. “Here you go, Jem. Don’t go getting the butter on your shirt, now. Sit at the table and eat proper-like.”

Sam lifted his littlest sibling up on a stool and ruffled the boy’s hair.

“Sam,” the child said, between bites, staring with big, adoring eyes at his half-brother.

“Gotta go, Grandma. Jem, be good.” Sam walked to the door. He had things to do before meeting with old Elijah Fitch. Was it too early?  He looked up at the sky and determined the general store would be opening up soon. He had to talk to Becky. Had to get things settled between them before he approached Old Man Fitch.

He sat on the bench outside the store. The sound of someone stirring inside drew his attention. The door popped open, and his girlfriend, Becky Rhodes, daughter of Daniel Rhodes who owned the general store, stepped forward, sweeping the pile of dust and dirt outside.

“Oh! Sam. I didn’t see you.” When she smiled, a becoming blush stole into her cheeks, blending her freckles together. Her hair the color of fire sparkled in the early morning light.

“Howdy Miss Rhodes.” Sam removed his hat. “Mind if I speak to you a minute? In private?”

That's all for this week. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Nice homey scene. Well done. Looking forward to Sam's answer.

  2. This is scene that grabs us in with family love and a need to find out what happens next.

  3. What does Sam want to say? You've got me curious now. I can't wait to read more.

  4. Love the image of his family. Their banter is incredible! Can’t wait to see what he has to say to Becky. Great job!
