Monday, July 29, 2024



Greetings! Welcome to Tuesday Tales. I've had a bit of a hiatus, but I'm back. And so is "Sam's Decision". Today we take a peek into his sister, Sarah's, life as she hunts down the truth about Sam. 

Don't forget to visit all the great Tuesday Tales authors. You'll find them HERE. Thanks for stopping by.


In the morning, Sarah rushed through her breakfast, anxious to get to the general store. Curiosity burned in the chest of the young woman. She had to know what Sam's plan had been and why Becky had turned him down. She made up the excuse of needing thread to go to the general store without arousing suspicion. 

“I hear you’re going to town this morning,” Elijah Fitch said, spreading creamy butter on a slice of French bread at breakfast. “It’s cold this morning.”

“Take the carriage. Be sure to take your heaviest shawl. I’ll tell Charles to bring out the warmest blanket,” Ann said, pushing to her feet.

“Thank you so much.”

“We must protect you and our beloved grandson,” Ann muttered, almost to herself.

Sarah eased up and hunted for her thickest cloak. When she found it, she met Charles in the vestibule.

“Here, Miss,” he said, opening the door and allowing her to exit first. He helped her into the carriage. Moses the house servant joined her. He lifted the warm blanket and spread it on her legs. Once settled in and snug, she gave the go-ahead to Digby, the driver. The carriage lurched forward and proceeded down the dirt path to the main road.

“What you aimin’ to buy, Mrs. Sarah?” Moses asked.

“Thread. And you?”

“I’ve got Mrs. Fitch’s list of goods, and one of them cherry suckers for me,” Moses said. He jingled the coins he had in his pants pocket. But that wasn’t all Sarah was aiming to get at the general store. She planned to worm the truth out of Becky about why she turned Sam down. 

While the vehicle bumped along, Sarah thought up her strategy. Becky would never know Sarah had no clue about what Sam was up to, right? She’d probably figure Sarah knew everything because she was Sam’s sister. Hah! Perfect. Sarah would play along, and Becky would spill the beans, unwittingly.   


  1. Love the way that woman's mind works. Excellent scene.

  2. Ooh, let's go, Sarah! Get to the bottom of it.

  3. I can’t wait to what Becky has to say about the proposal and how Sarah gets the truth out of her. Great job!

  4. Oh, I can't wait to see if her plan works likes she's hoping it will!
    Fingers crossed for Sarah.
