Monday, September 9, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Word prompt "school"


Welcome! It's been a while since I've posted any of "Sam's Decision", my work-in-progress. Here we go back to the scene with his sister discussing his plans for farming and getting a wife. Don't forget to read all the great stories. You'll find them HERE


Sam jammed his hat on his head and pulled his jacket closer. “I best be getting’ back.”

“But you just got here.”

“I wore out my welcome fast, didn’t I?”

Sarah took his hand. “Please don’t go. It’s lonesome here. Don’t tell the Fitch’s. I miss the Chesneys. Stay. Or you’ll miss the best meal you’ll have all month.”

The prospect of fine food got his mouth to watering. A cool breeze drew his attention. Old Mr. Fitch had returned.

“Boy. What you got there?” he asked Sam.

“Your axe, sir. As good as new. Better even,” Sam said, handing the sachel to Elijah Fitch.

The older man opened it and took out the tool. He gently ran his calloused thumb over the blade.

“Sharp enough to skin a goat. Good. Thanks, Sam. Your mother’s new husband got you real schooled in smithin’. You stayin’ to supper/” he asked, returning the tool to the sachel.

“I’ve invited him, Elijah,” Sarah said.

“Good.” The old man took a sidelong glance at the lad. “Looks like he could use a good meal. We have the finest table in all the Catskill Mountains,” Fitch boasted.

“I don’t doubt it, sir. Thank you for the invitation.”

A bell tinkled from the kitchen, signaling the meal was ready. Elijah, Sam, and Sarah quickened their pace to the dining room. Sam’s eyes lit up when he saw the sumptuous repast laid before him on the sideboard.

There was a large pot of venison stew. Then buttery mashed potatoes. Next was a platter of boiled turnips, glazed carrots, and roasted onions. A two loaves of perfectly browned bread sat next to a dish of sweet, creamy butter and a small pot of jam.

Sam heaped his plate with food. Sarah poked him in the ribs.

“Don’t be a pig,” she whispered. It was loud enough for all to hear.

“Don’t want to let good food go wastin’,” Sam said, slipping onto the chair next to his sister.

That's all for this week. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Excellent scene. Typical banter between siblings. Love it. Well done.

  2. sharp enough to skin a goat is a great description!! Liking this story!

  3. Love the description of the meal and the way the two siblings interact. Way to his hear is his stomach! Great job!

  4. Great snippet! I really like how you worked the word prompt in.
