Monday, September 30, 2024



Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write to word prompts. This week the word prompt is "flush". Any form of the word is acceptable. Today's segment is from my work-in-progress, "Sam's Decision," book 3 in the historical romance series, "The Catskills Saga." 

Read on, then hop on over and read the excellent stories by the other Tuesday Tales authors. Find them HERE


Just before the Wilcox family reached the Inn. Hope put her hand on Violet’s arm. They stopped.

“You know what to do, right?” she asked her daughter.

Violet nodded.

“You sure?”

“Your future rests on this, young lady,” Abiel said, his lips pulled down into a frown.

“I know,” Violet said, her eyes flashing. “I gotta win him over.”

“If you’d have listened to me about that no-account Zeb…”

“I know Grandpa! I know!” Violet put her hands over her ears.  “He’s not a no-account.”

“Oh? Then where is he? Now that you’re in a fix, he’s gone. I’d like to fix his flint,” Abiel said fisting his right hand.

“Don’t let Sam Chesney know you got designs on him. Let him think you just cotton to him natural like,” Hope said.

“Okay! All right!” Violet's cheek flushed.

“Hush. They’ll hear you,” Hope said, fluffing out Violet’s skirt.

“She do look mighty pretty in that frock, Hope,” Abiel said.

“Purple is her best color. I don’t see how any young man in his right mind could resist such a pretty girl,” Hope gushed.

Abiel pursed his lips. At least she wasn’t showing yet. Sam would never know. The Sheriff tried to push thoughts about what he had asked his granddaughter to do out of his head. He wished there was another way, but he had to guard her honor and the honor of the Wilcox name.

Violet pulled out a small bag from her pocket. “I hope he likes peppermints,” she mumbled.

“Never met a man in his right mind who didn’t,” Abiel said, opening the door to the Inn.

The Wilcox family crossed the threshold.

“Well, well, how nice to see you folks,” Martha said, scurrying out from the kitchen and taking off her apron.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. I feel sorry for Violet. She obviously had feelings for Zeb, and now she's being forced to go after Sam. Amazing the length people went to in order to maintain their honor. Unfortunately, some still do. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Excellent scene.

  2. Interesting -- it always amazes me how, historically, some people twisted themselves into pretzels in order to salvage reputations- even to the extent of this kind of pretense. Clearly Zeb is her man!
