Tuesday, September 24, 2024



Howdy do! Welcome to Tuesday Tales where authors write stories to word prompts. This week we have a peek into Abiel Lee's plot to get Sam Chesney married to his daughter from "Sam's Decision". When you're done, hop on over and read the other stories by the wonderful TT authors. Find them HERE


But first he needed to get Violet situated before people guessed about her condition. Returning from his walk to the Inn, he settled himself in his favorite chair as Hope prepared tea.

“Violet?” he called. “Come in here.”

“Yes, Grandpapa,” she said, scurrying into the room. She slid onto the seat next to him. “What is it?”

“It’s time we had a plan. Sam Chesney is looking for a wife. He plans to have his own farm. That would be perfect for you, dear. You could live there with him and no one would ever know that you were with child before you married him.”

“But Sam is sweet on Becky Rhodes.”

“I happen to know for a fact that she turned him down this morning.”

“She did?” Violet asked, her blue eyes growing wide. “Why’d she do that?”

Abiel cleared his throat. If he told his granddaughter why Becky said “no”, Violet would never agree to marry Sam. Although he didn’t want her to become a farmhand either, it beat becoming the town pariah, shunned by all.

“I don’t know,” he lied. “Maybe she’s not as sweet on Sam as you thought.”

Violet shrugged. “He’s sure a handsome one,” she said.

“You like him?” Abiel asked, raising his eyebrows. This was going to be like catching fish in a barrel.

“He’s always been polite to me. But he’s in love with Becky.”

“Not anymore. Now he’s all yours for the taking,” Abiel said. "As easy as plucking an orange from an orange tree."

Hope moved to her daughter’s side. “He’s right, dear. Sam Chesney would be a good choice for you. He’s hard-working, from what I hear.”

“But how can I get him to propose to me?” Violet asked.

“Hope  - advise the child, and fetch my pipe,” he said, then rose from his chair and headed for the door. “We’re dining at the Inn tonight. You can work your charm on Mr. Chesney then.”

With that comment, Abiel stuffed his pipe in his pocket and opened the door. Loathe to hear the conversation between the two women, he beat a hasty retreat to his garden.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Wow! What a mess! Hope there's a way out of it where everyone ends up happy. Great scene and fantastic conflict.

  2. Ooooh, not liking him much. Between trying to sweet talk the innkeeper to tricking Sam into marrying his granddaughter, this guy is kind of an jerk. Great job!

  3. I am with Tricia. Not too sure about this dude. A bit of a jerk indeed!
