Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Howdy do! Welcome to Tuesday Tales. This week we have another snippet from "Sam's Decision." Don't forget to hop on over and read the wonderful stories from the Tuesday Tales writers. Find them HERE


Her mouth fell open slightly and her eyes widened. “You what?”

“You heard me. Marry me, Becky.”

“And be your farmhand?”

“Be my wife, my partner on my farm. I need a smart wife, like you.”

“I don’t know nuthin’ about farmin’, Sam.”

"There's nothin' to it. Throw some seeds in the ground, milk a cow. Nothin' to it," Sam said, trying to control his blush at his bald-faced lie. “I’ll teach you everything. You can milk a cow, can’t you?”

“And a goat, too. And shear a sheep.”

“See, you’re ready.” He took her hand again. “It’ll be you and me. I love you. I’ll take good care of you. You won’t be a farmhand, you’ll be my beautiful wife.”

With wide eyes, Becky withdrew her hand. “No.”

That's it. Short & sweet this week. Thanks for stopping by. Please don't forget to leave a comment. 

Monday, June 17, 2024



Howdy do! Welcome to Tuesday Tales. We have another episode of "Sam's Decision" today. We're 

writing to the word prompt "green". Don't forget to pop off to read the terrific stories by the other Tuesday Tales writers. Find them HERE


“Of course, come in.” She swept the last remnants of dirt out the door, then stepped inside, leaving the door open for Sam. He entered and followed her up to the counter.

“What can I do for you?” She donned a white apron with a ruffled hem.

“Don’t need nothin’. Want to talk about you and me.”

“Oh?” She raised her eyebrows and the pink in her cheeks darkened.

Sam took her hand in both of his. “I have plans, Becky. Big plans. I want to have my own farm, like my pa did. I’m gonna get one from Old Man Fitch.”

“But you have a good job with Caleb. You’re learning smithing and doing fine, so I hear.”

Sam lowered his gaze. “Yeah. I know. Caleb’s been good to me. I don’t mind smithing, but I’d rather have my own place. Run things myself, like my pa did. I’m a man of the earth. I want to grow my own crops. Have cows, maybe even a horse someday.”

“You have Sunshine.”

Sam snorted. “A goat. And she belongs to my sister. I want my own animals, my own place.” He raised his gaze to hers. He loved her bright red hair, and her intelligence. “You’re smart, Becky. I’m gonna need a wife. One who is not afraid to get her hands dirty. I’ll need a woman to help me run the farm.”

“You could just hire a farmhand.” Her lips compressed into a fine line.

“This ain’t comin’ out right. You know what I mean.”

She removed her hand. “No, I don’t, Sam Chesney. Seems to me like you should put up a ‘farmhand wanted’ sign outside the store.” She turned her back to him to attend to something on the shelf behind her.

“Becky. Come on. You know what I mean. I’m getting all confused.” Sam felt as green as the grass on the meadow. 

“I’ll say you are. If you’re expecting me to be a farmhand. You’re darn confused.” She turned her attention back to the shelf.

Frustrated, Sam stepped behind the counter and turned her around to face him. “Becky Rhodes, you know what I mean.”

Shooting him a cool look, she said, “I don’t and you’re not supposed to be back here.”

He grabbed her upper arms and jerked her to his chest before he brought his mouth down on hers in a hard kiss. Becky leaned into him, resting her hands on his shoulders. He broke suddenly, stepped back and stared at her with hot eyes.

“You know what I mean, Becky. I love you. I want you to be my wife.”

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



Welcome! Today, we are writing to the word prompt "flimsy.." I have another snippet from my new work-in-progress, "Sam's Decision." Don't forget to visit all the Tuesday Tales authors. Find them HERE



When Sam returned to the Inn where he lived with his grandmother, Martha, and his little sister, Lizzie, he laid his kill on the kitchen table.

“Oh, good. Duck for supper. Here, Sam,” Martha said, handing him a buttered corn muffin.

No one made muffins and bread as good as Martha, except maybe his sister, Sarah. He bit into the tender, warm confection and wiped the dribble of melted sweet, creamy butter from his chin. Between bites he blurted out Sarah’s news.

“Well shear my sheep! It’s about time that young woman got busy. Land sakes, I thought this would never happen.” Martha grinned.

“Ben said she told Mama already.”

“I wondered why Abby had a sly look on her face and avoided me last night with a flimsy excuse.” Martha shook her head. She looked down to see three-year-old Jem Tanner, her newest grandchild, tugging on her skirt. “More little ones in my kitchen!” She picked up a muffin, slathered it with butter and handed it to the little boy. “Here you go, Jem. Don’t go getting the butter on your shirt, now. Sit at the table and eat proper-like.”

Sam lifted his littlest sibling up on a stool and ruffled the boy’s hair.

“Sam,” the child said, between bites, staring with big, adoring eyes at his half-brother.

“Gotta go, Grandma. Jem, be good.” Sam walked to the door. He had things to do before meeting with old Elijah Fitch. Was it too early?  He looked up at the sky and determined the general store would be opening up soon. He had to talk to Becky. Had to get things settled between them before he approached Old Man Fitch.

He sat on the bench outside the store. The sound of someone stirring inside drew his attention. The door popped open, and his girlfriend, Becky Rhodes, daughter of Daniel Rhodes who owned the general store, stepped forward, sweeping the pile of dust and dirt outside.

“Oh! Sam. I didn’t see you.” When she smiled, a becoming blush stole into her cheeks, blending her freckles together. Her hair the color of fire sparkled in the early morning light.

“Howdy Miss Rhodes.” Sam removed his hat. “Mind if I speak to you a minute? In private?”

That's all for this week. Thanks for stopping by. 

Monday, June 3, 2024



Welcome! This week, we're writing to the word prompt "gut". I have another episode from my latest historical romance titled, "Sam's Decision." The book is being written now. When you finish reading my snippet, hop on over to the other authors and read their works. You'll find them HERE.  


“What?” Benjamin asked.

Sam put his finger to his lips, then pointed. Half a dozen ducks swam silently from one edge of the pond to the other, ducking from time-to-time to scoop up a tasty fish. The men cocked and shouldered their muskets.

The clicks alerted the birds. They picked up their heads and spread their wings. With a cacophony of quacks, they took off, flying across the water. Sam and Benjamin aimed and fired. Two ducks fell into the pond. Seconds later, the men took aim again. The ducks were farther away but they each managed to hit a second one.  

“Lucky! Fetch!” Sam called, gesturing.

“Patches! Duck!” Benjamin said, pointing.

The dogs sprang into action. The men sank down, reaching for their pouches of cider while the dogs chased down the fallen birds. After a long drink, Benjamin leaned back to rest against a tree.

“Your sister’s with child.” He took a long draught.


“You heard me.”  Ben put down his drink.

Sam swallowed then gazed at his friend. “It’s about time, Fitch. Guess you finally figured it out, eh?” Sam grinned.

While he laughed, Benjamin took a swipe at his friend’s shoulder. “At least I’m doing it, you ain’t. Are you?” Benjamin cocked an eyebrow.

“Watch it, Fitch. She’s my sister.”

Ben snickered. “And she’s my wife.”

Sam raised his arm to slap his friend, when Lucky and Patches interrupted. They dropped the ducks from their mouths and raced back to the pond to get the last two.

Sam stuffed his duck in a sack. “Anyone else know?”

“My mother and father. Your mom and Caleb. No one else. You’re the first. Outside of my family. You and Doc.” Benjamin shook his head. “I wanted to wait. Be sure. Ya know? But Sarah insisted.”

“Now you’re sure?”

Ben nodded. “She’ll probably be mad I told you.”

“She’ll get over it.” Sam stuck out his hand. “Congratulations, Ben.  You’re going to be a father.”

A wide grin spread across Benjamin Fitch’s face. “Yep.”

“Bet your mother and father are happy.”                                                                                              

“Happy? They are plum loco about it. You’d think we’d invented the wheel or something. Geez. People have children all the time.”

“Yeah, but now ole Elizah’s got an heir.”

“If it’s a boy.”

“True.” Sam nodded. “And if it’s a girl, I guess you’ll have to keep trying.”

Benjamin laughed. “Fine by me.”

Sam punched Ben playfully in the gut. “My sister. Careful.”

That's it. Thanks for stopping by.