Monday, August 28, 2023




Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week we have another episode of "Two of Hearts." It's Terry's turn for the spotlight this week. Here's a glimpse of his life. Once you're finished, hop on over and read the great stories by the talented Tuesday Tales writers. Find their work  HERE

Thanks for stopping by. 


When he arrived late to work, questioning looks and raised eyebrows greeted Terry.

“I had to walk the dog,” he said. Understanding nods let him put his tardiness to rest. Since he was one of the highest earners in this little partnership, he shouldn’t have to answer bullshit questions about being on time.  Was he grumbling because of the dog walking or because he spent his first night alone in bed?

He closed his door and opened his calendar. His appointments, workouts, everything on his schedule resided on his phone in a new app called “My Life.” Clare had often teased him about being a planner. 

"You plan like a girl. If I didn't know what a horndog you are, I'd think you were gay," she'd said. 

The joke had rankled him. A masculine, straight guy couldn’t be organized? Maybe if she'd been more organized, she’d do better, get better assignments, not always be running to finish at the last minute, and make more money. His organized life was one reason he pulled in seven figures. Clients loved an organized money manager who took control, made money for them, and delivered on time. 

Monday, Terry laid out his plans and tasks for the week, allowing time for taking advantage of unforeseen opportunities or fixing unexpected disasters. Every Monday night, Terry and Clare met with a small bridge group. He and his wife were killers at the game, his one intellectual challenge outside of work. 

It was game night. He’d go without Clare and see what new partner the members had dug up. They knew she was leaving and had offered to find someone to fill in. Skeptical, Terry had gone along. Better some numbskull than no bridge.

He got so involved in work, five o’clock rolled around before he realized it.

"Time to wrap up," he said to himself. By six he'd wrapped up the day and put the finishing touches on a new business pitch.

In the past, at five o’clock, he’d turn his thoughts to his wife –wonder what she was making for dinner and if she’d be up for sex after. At six, he’d looked forward to going home, listening to her challenges and victories, gazing at her beautiful face, and feasting like a king. He’d had a wonderful life. Now that it was gone, at least for six months, he realized how much he’d taken for granted.

That's it. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Love this look into his personality. Well done. Looking forward to more.

  2. Well organized and a bridge player. Love it. I sort of feel sorry for him but I'm not sure about him yet so I am torn about how to feel. LOL!

  3. Love the horndog and "feasting like a king." You have such talent in helping us see inside the person with just a few words.

  4. Not entirely sure how much I like this guy but I really think he will improve a lot before it is over. Great job!
