Monday, August 14, 2023



Howdy! Welcome to another episode from "Two of Hearts".  The word prompt is "lamp". There is some bad language in this excerpt. If that's a concern, please stroll on by and go to the other stories by the excellent Tuesday Tales authors. Find them HERE.  Thanks for stopping by. 


“I’m sorry. I hope it’s nothing serious,” he said, touching her arm.

She shot him a frosty look. He shrank back, moving away as much as the limited space allowed.

“The dogs seem to like each other,” he continued.

Obviously, this obnoxious idiot didn’t know when to shut up. “Willie likes all dogs, especially other pugs.”

The man turned his gaze away. “Fucking rain,” he mumbled.

“Don’t you know any other words?” Jen cocked an eyebrow.

“Sorry. I’m not usually out this early. And the rain,” he shook his head. “My wife does the early morning walks. Guess I’m not awake yet.”

“Oh, did she sleep in?” Jen cocked an eyebrow.

“She’s in L.A.”

Jen nodded as if she gave a flying fuck. His wife could be in Outer Mongolia as far as she was concerned.

As fast as the sky had opened up, the rain tapered off. The two dogs shook off again, causing Jen to flatten herself against the front door. The pugs sniffed each other, barked and played. Her heart and head hurt. She needed to get home.

 “As much as I’d like to let Willie play with, Queenie, was it?”

He nodded.

“I’ve gotta go.” Holding her shirt away from her body, she tugged gently on the leash and Willie drew his attention away from the other dog and followed Jen.  “Sorry, boy. I know that’s your girlfriend, but I’ve got to get home.”

Trembling from the chill of the clinging wet clothing, Jen skirted the small puddles on the sidewalk as she led Willie back to their front steps. Once inside their townhouse, she turned on a lamp against the darkness from the clouds, fed the dog, put on a pot of coffee, then headed for the shower. She peeled off her soaked clothing, dumping everything in the hamper, and stepped under the spray. As the warm water hit her pebbled flesh, tears started.


  1. Great scene. Their frustration was obvious.

  2. Awww. that last sentence, So sad. Hoping her pup can help cheer her up.

  3. So much I want to know here! I want to keep reading and turning the pages so I can find out more. Darn word limits LOL
    I love this story!

  4. Oh, I can see why she was so frustrated with him. I can’t wait to read more to learn more of her past. Great job!
