Monday, February 20, 2023



Welcome! Sorry, but I'm unable to access the logo for Tuesday Tales. So please pretend you see it. This week we have more of Robbie and Dale's story. Looks like Dale and her family are having an effect on Robbie, don't you think?? 

When you're finished with my story, hop on to the others, great stories by talented writers. You'll find them HERE


A bad dream woke Robbie early. He eased out of bed, careful not to disturb Dale, and slipped his robe on. He yawned and glanced at his watch. No sense getting dressed at five in the morning. No one else would be up.

He padded silently to the kitchen and started coffee. He filled a mug and plopped down at the table. His brows knitted. Upsetting thoughts about last night swirled through his brain. He was a master of sex, but he’d never had sex before like he had had last night.

In fact, this whole trip had shaken his entire belief system. No longer grounded in the certainty that the bachelor life was his best path, he floated, cut loose by his emotional response to the sweet kindness of Dale and the acceptance by her family.

Convinced from childhood he didn’t deserve true love, he’d grabbed bits and pieces of affection where he could. The glitter of greed in the hard eyes of the women he’d dated and slept with put him off marriage. They’d used him as much as he had used them. It was quid pro quo. When they became too demanding, he’d leave, unwilling to be sucked dry financially. Dale was different.

As he sipped the hot beverage, he examined his feelings. He and Dale were leaving

 Saturday afternoon. In the past, he’d be champing at the bit to get home in the safe solitude 

of his apartment. Instead, being alone no longer appeared safe. He’d leave this warm home 

reluctantly. He’d had a taste of happy family life and it only whetted his appetite.


That's all until next week. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Great scene. Introspection is always a plus for me.

  2. Aww I love his tender thoughts and feelings and hope he is able to act on them back home. He and Dale have something good together. Great image-- glitter of greed.

  3. So sweet. His whole world is turned on end. Awesome!

  4. Oh the poor guy! Having to let go of his prior life. Of course, WE all knew it was going to happen. He just didn't. I love the way you conveyed the emotional upheaval he's going through.

  5. I love the look into his heart and the change he is feeling. My heart breaks for him a little. I can’t wait to see where this goes. Great job!
