Monday, November 14, 2022



Welcome! We have another peek into that midnight conversation between Robbie and Dale, in an episode of "The Kicker, Part One." 

Don't miss the other great stories! Find them HERE. Thanks for stopping by. 


“So tell me about you. About your mother,” Dale said, watching him and sipping her drink.

“Not much to tell.”

“Does she come to games?”

He shook his head. “She has another life now. New family.”

“Really?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah. My dad died when I was like sixteen. He had a heart attack. My mom went out and found someone else. Guy’s got bucks, I’ll give you that. They got married and moved to Arizona. I went to live with my aunt. I think they’ve got a kid, maybe two. I don’t know. Don’t see them.”

Emotion closed Dale’s throat and shock stole her breath. Tears stung as she glanced out the window at a bare tree. She dropped her gaze to her hands toying with the quilt seam when Robbie placed his hands on hers.

“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t get upset. It happened a long time ago. I’m glad she’s happy and not carrying on about dad being gone. She’s got a new life and so do I. So I guess it’s a win/win, right?”

Dale stared silently into his blue eyes, which belied his comment. She saw pain hiding there, masked as acceptance.

“How about you? Any brothers or sisters?”

Struggling to find her voice, she nodded and swallowed before squeaking out, “two brothers and two sisters.”

“Close family?” he asked.


“You’re lucky.” His voice took on a wistful tone.

Dale’s mind raced. Confused, not knowing what to think, she put down her empty glass and took his hand in both of hers.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s nobody’s fault. Just a bad break, losing my dad is all.”

“Thanksgiving’s in two weeks. Are the Kings playing?”

“Not this year,” he said, squeezing her small hand in his.

“Why don’t you join my family for Thanksgiving?”


  1. Oh, I feel so bad for him. His bad behavior with women is starting to make sense. And an invitation to Thanksgiving? Great job!

  2. Tore at my heartstrings. No wonder the guy thinks relationships are disposable. Excellent scene.

  3. Oh, my gosh, what a powerful scene. Well done!

  4. awwww so sad for him but this explains his casual disregard for women. A mother who basically left him in his time of grief and moved on without him - very sad.

  5. Oh, he was so hurt by the loss of his father and the skip town mother. Makes me feel more tender toward him. He survived the best he could.
