Monday, September 26, 2022

Tuesday Tales - Word prompt "Fall"


When the game was over, C

Welcome! This week we have another episode of "The Kicker, Part 1", but we hear from Dale, too! Don't forget to check out the other great stories. Find them HERE.  Thanks for stopping by! 


The Coach slapped him on the back.

“Great game, Anthony.”


“Whatever you’re doing different, keep it up.”

Robbie nodded. He could hardly wait to try out some ideas on Dale his teammates had shared.

“Flowers,” Griff Montgomery said.

“Listen, really listen to her. Then repeat something she said the day before,” Buddy said.

“Take her to a chick flick.”

“Take her to dinner, but don’t make a pass at her.”

“Make a picnic in front of a fire in the fireplace and keep your hands to yourself.”

“Be respectful.”

“Don’t touch her.”

“Ask her about her day.”

“Call her up just to talk.”

Robbie put all the suggestions into his phone. When he got home after the game, he reviewed the advice while he chowed down on a take-out steak dinner.

When he finished eating, he picked up the phone. He dialed the number he had for Dale, but it went straight to voicemail. It was her work number. Damn! He didn’t even have her home number.

He shook his head. He’d have to use what he had.

“Hi, Dale. Sorry to call on your work number, but I don’t have your cell. I was just wondering how your day went today? I saw you had a full schedule before the game. I hope you’re relaxing now. Maybe watching a movie or something? Just thinking about you and how hard your job is. Here’s my number, in case you ever want to talk. Bitch about stuff or whatever.”

Robbie added his number and ended the call. He face-palmed and exerted all his control to keep from throwing his phone against the wall.

“I sound like an idiot! Like some twelve-year-old asshole who doesn’t know shit about women,” he said aloud, shaking his head. “This will never work. Why did I have to fall for her?”


  1. I hate it when I have to leave a voicemail. I think I sound like an idiot, too. Great scene..

  2. Maybe what he thinks of as sounding lame will tweak her interest. I'm hoping! Love his process.

  3. Lol! He doesn't know anything about women! LOL! Had to put the suggestions in his phone. He knows how to be a player but not someone who can truly relate to women. Can't wait to see his growth.

  4. Oh, he's a goner for sure. Love how he put all the tips and suggestions in his phone. Great scene!

  5. So he admits it! I love the detail of him putting their suggestions in his phone. That says player all over it. Great job!
