Monday, September 12, 2022

Tuesday Tales - Word Prompt "Anxious"


Howdy! Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write stories to word prompts. This week the word prompt is "anxious." We have another episode of "The Kicker's Story, Part 1" today. When you're done, hop on over to the other authors and read their terrific stories. Find them HERE


On his way back to the locker room to suit up for the game, he whipped out his phone. Checking his calendar, he saw that he needed to leave two tickets for the game at the gate for Michelle and her sister. He’d agreed to take them both to dinner after the game.

He'd offer to drop Michelle home after she stopped for a nightcap at his place. It’s not that he had anything against threesomes, but never with sisters. That was a rule he’d vowed never to break. Michelle had a soft, curvy body he looked forward to touching.

Not like Dale. She had an athlete’s body, slim, trim, firm, and muscular. Small breasts and tightest butt ever. As he pulled his pants on he thought about how different Dale was than the women he pursued. Out loud he said, “What is it with her?”

“Huh?” Trunk asked.


Trunk grinned. “Strike out with Dale…again?”

“A temporary setback.”

“Not temporary for you, buddy. Why don’t you admit it? She blocked your kick. You’ve finally found a chick who’s immune to you. Like she’s been vaccinated.”

“Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Hey, guys! Dale’s been vaccinated! She’s got Anti-Anthony bodies now! She’s immune!”

The men laughed and Robbie boiled. If Trunk Mahoney wasn’t twice his size, he’d bust the defenseman’s face. He threw his clothes in the locker and banged it shut. 

After a trip to the box office, he headed for the track to limber up. A slow, easy jog would warm up his leg muscles and give him time to think. He tried to picture Michelle naked, but the image of Dale, in her leggings and sports bra, crowded it out.

 He stopped to down a bottle of water. Nope. He wasn’t anxious to have tonight's after-dinner “dessert” in his bed. He’d take Michelle and her sister to dinner, like he promised, but then – straight home. Both of them. He sighed. Trunk would call it “pussy-whipped”, but Robbie knew it was much more than that.

Dale Sawyer wasn’t like women he knew. Independent, dedicated to her job, and not flirtatious with anyone on the squad – she stood out. She drove an inexpensive car, lived in a low-key apartment complex (yes, he’d checked it out). Modest about her accomplishments, she didn't gossip. He’d never met a girl like her before. If he had any idea what being in love was like, he might think he’d gone that route.

Not him. Nope. Robbie Anthony didn’t want to get married or have a family. He simply wanted to play, and not for keeps.  

 That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 






  1. This is a great window into his mind. I love seeing what his interests and goals are versus the attraction that pulls at him. Love the line about her blocking his kick.

  2. He's softening up. Won't admit it yet, but it's sneaking in.... Love it!

  3. Methinks he has a big surprise headed his way! Great snippet showing a lot of what's fueling him.

  4. I love the subtle progression of his feelings. You can really sink into his feelings for her. Great job!
