Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday Tales - Leaf


Howdy do! Welcome! This week we have more of the kicker's story using the word prompt "leaf". Don't forget to visit all the authors. Find their stories HERE.  Comments are always welcome. Thanks for stopping by. 


"Tyler! Did you give that to Merrily Adams?" Uncle Charlie's tone was anything but friendly.

"Yep." Tyler cut a piece of ham and stabbed it with his fork.

"Is that real?" His mother asked, her eyebrows drawn together.


The sharp intake of his mother's breath drew Tyler's gaze. "How could you give away something so expensive? It must have cost a fortune."

Arrogance drained from the kicker as he realized how his mother scraped by, counting every penny. It must has seem so frivolous, so wasteful to her. Sure, she could have done a dozen more sensible things with two grand. Shame filled him.

"Please tell me you didn't buy it for Merrily's Secret Santa." His mother's stare bored into him.

"No, no, Ma. I didn't."

"You must have bought it for a young lady. I'm guessing," Charlie said.

"I did. I don't want to talk about it."

"You never told me you were seeing anyone," His mother put down her fork. "What happened to her?"

Charlie put his hand on Connie's arm. "I can guess. Left you after you got fired?"

Tyler hung his head, avoiding his mother's gaze. "How'd you guess?"

"I've been out with a few women in my time," Charlie said.

"Oh, Ty! I didn't know." His mother's concern was almost worse than her anger.

"I'm all right. Okay. Yeah. She took off before I finished cleaning out my locker."

"That bitch!" Connie's lips joined in a thin line.

"Ma!" Tyler's eyes widened.

"My sentiments exactly," Charlie said. "You probably dodged a bullet. Better not to be married to this trash. No alimony."

"Exactly, Uncle Charlie. Exactly." Even if he figured this as another failure of his, they didn't see it that way. Relief flooded Tyler.

"Her loss!" his mother sniffed. "More ham, son?" She reached for his plate.

"Thanks, Ma."

Connie smiled. "She's no more than a fall leaf in the wind, Son."

Christmas was turning out better than he'd expected. While his mother refilled his plate, he watched Merrily. He smiled to himself. At least he'd made someone's Christmas happy. That stupid necklace. Sure caused a stir. He chuckled. Who'd have guessed? He watched Merrily talk with her family and munch on a brownie, pretending she wasn't sneaking peeks of him. But he saw and it pleased him. Damn, at least he did something right.


  1. Lovely scene. Nothing better than supportive family, and maybe a cute girl sneaking peeks.

  2. Oh my gosh, he put himself in a pickle with his family. Luckily the explanation satisfied them so that he didn't have to feel so guilty. I love how her interest is sparked and how pleased he is at her sneaking looks.

  3. Aww sneak peeks are always awesome. Lovely snippet!

  4. I love this snippet!! So glad the family is 'on his side' of the girl issue and love how she was taking peeks at him.
    I love this story!

  5. I love how they defended him when they learned the truth. That made me so happy for him. Great job!
