Monday, February 3, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Word Prompt "Child"


Welcome! This week we have a little more information about Charlotte in my story-without-a-title. When you're finished reading bop on over and read the amazing stories of the other Tuesday Tales writers. Find them HERE 


When Charlotte was a child, she lost her mother. Her father withdrew, leaving the children to fend for themselves. She picked up her mother's duties - keeping house and learning to cook. She and Corey became close. 

When Corey entered college, he insisted on moving into the dorm. Charlotte had been devastated. The last thing she wanted was to be saddled with her father. As she grew into a fine carpenter, he paid her a salary. Soon Charlotte had enough to get herself a modest home. Reluctantly, she accepted responsibility for her father's well being -- his mental health -- and remained in his house. 

Even though Tom depended on her, Charlotte maintained some independence. She made friends with Winnie at Java the Hut, Derek at the hardware store, and Jess Lennox, owner of the old inn with her husband. 

During long, dark nights, Charlotte tired of television and found herself drawn to books. Maybe it was Corey's influence or Professor Garrett's. Charlotte got a library card and, on a snowy winter's eve, she curled up in her mother's rocking chair with a blanket, a romance book, and her cat, Jasper. 

Tom had made the rocker for Charlotte's mother as a wedding present. Charlotte found comfort in the old wooden chair.    


Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Nice to learn more about her. Enjoying this. Well done.

  2. I love this insight into her ability to create a space where she can cope and find comfort. Love the name Jasper!

  3. I love the look into Charlotte’s life. I also love that she’s fallen in love with books as her escape. Great job!

  4. Nice. I love learning more about her. Sad she sacrificed a home of her own.

  5. I'm glad she found books as a way to dive into other worlds and escape.
