Monday, January 27, 2025



Howdy do! Welcome. We have more stories by the talented Tuesday Tales writers today. We're writing to the word prompt "silly". I have the second installment from my new book-in-progress. Don't forget to leave comments. The authors love to hear from you. After you read my story, bop on over to the writers. Find them HERE


Proud of her brother for his accomplishment, she kept her mouth shut about him being thirty-two. Her father had no such qualms.

“It’s about time that boy got the damn degree. He’s been at it long enough. Geez, I coulda built me two, three, maybe even four houses all by myself in the time it took him to do that dang thing. Readin’ all those silly books. At least now he’ll be able to get a good job.”

“And marry Kitty Caldwell,” Charlie put in.

“Yeah. Maybe get to havin’ some grandkids,” Tom said, a half-grin on his dry lips.

Her gaze settled again on Professor Garrett. He preferred to be called “professor” instead of “doctor.” He’d said he always looked around for a man in a white coat when someone called him “doctor”. Charlie wondered why he didn’t look around for a woman in a white coat, but she kept that to herself.

She noticed the other professors who would be presenting honors from different departments sat with their wives. Not Professor Garrett. He took his position alone. Charlotte wondered why he wasn’t married. Maybe his wife was sick.

“Don’t you go getting any ideas about Professor Garrett,” her father said.

Charlotte felt heat rush to her face. She turned away, hoping he wouldn’t see.

“I got eyes, girl. I see the way you look at him. He’s forty. Too old for you. Widowed, too. So just forget it. With all the boys going to this college, you’d think a pretty girl like you would’ve picked one out by now,” Tom said, giving his head a little shake.

“Please, Pop. Be quiet!” Charlotte wanted to crawl under her chair. Fortunately, Professor Garrett didn’t hear. Or if he did, he didn’t turn around. She let out a breath. Sometimes her father could be a bull in a china shop. She grinned. Maybe all the time.

“I mean…”

The band stuck up the national anthem. Everyone stood up.

“Shhh,” Charlotte said, welcoming any interruption of her father’s opinions on her life.    

When the song concluded, everyone sat and the president of Kensington State, Mac Caldwell, took the podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen, students, faculty, parents, family, and friends. It is my honor to present the very first Ph. D. degrees from the University.

Charlotte didn’t hear the rest of his speech. Her eyes filled. All she could think of was Corey and his achievement. Pride in her brother filled her heart, along with a sadness that her mother couldn’t be there to see her son’s success.  

That's all for this week. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. My father was like that--no filter, but I loved him dearly. Looking forward to more of this story.

  2. Great scene! Gotta love that no holes barred father. That professor is intriguing. I can't wait to see some interaction between them. The final paragraph is especially winsome-- her love and pride in her brother touches the heartstring.

  3. Ahhhhh - I'm loving this new story already! I can't wait to see what happens with Professor Garrett.

  4. Nice one this week. Lots happening in a short time. Lots of great character reveals. Well done!

  5. Oooh…an older man! I love how proud she is of her brother and all he’s done. I can’t wait to learn more about the Professor. Great job!
