Monday, November 13, 2023



Howdy! Welcome! This week our word prompt is "narrow". We have another episode of "Two of Hearts". Don't forget to hop on over to read the excellent stories by the other Tuesday Tales authors. Find them HERE


The next morning.

He greeted everyone in the office, opened his phone, and started on his to do list for the day. At lunchtime, Paul stopped by, carrying his sandwich. The two men shut the door and chowed down.

“So, how’s this bachelor thing going?” Paul asked, popping the top on a can of ginger ale.

“What bachelor thing? I’m still a married man.”

“Yeah. Right,” Paul snickered.

“I’m not tomcatting around town. I love my wife. Clare is way above most women. Why would I got out for beer when I have champagne at home?” Terry took a bite of the ham and cheese he’d ordered from the deli.

“Because the champagne flew the coop.”

“She’s not gone that way. She hasn’t left me.”

“Must be hard?”

“You don’t realize how close you become, how dependent on her being around. Before I got married, I lived alone and loved it. Now I hate it.”

“I know. Sandy is the best.”

“Don’t go telling me you’d be tomcatting around if she was away for six months.”

Paul hesitated. “Well. I mean if she’d never find out. Sandy and I hooked up in college. I haven’t had much of the buffet, if you get my meaning.”

“You saying you’d cheat on Sandy?”

“No, no. But if I was in your situation, I might be tempted.”

“There isn’t a woman in the City who would tempt me,” Terry said.

“Really? That's kind of a narrow point of view. Have you seen some of the chicks on the subway in the morning? There’s more that’s hot there than coffee.”

Terry laughed. “You’re the last person I’d think of as straying.”

“You’re right. But it’s a fantasy. Sure, I think about screwing some of the women I didn’t screw in college.”

“That’s too bad. Not me. Clare’s the best I’ve ever had.”

“You’re lucky. At least you have the experience to know.”

“Just keep it in your pants. You’ve got everything to lose for a quickie with a stranger. That kind of sex isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not stupid. I’m staying right where I am.”

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Excellent scene. Puts the whole "buffet " thing into perspective.

  2. Great sample of men talk. It's admirable that he isn't tempted.

  3. Great scene filled with man chatter!

  4. Great scene. I love how you used 'narrow point of view' to work the word prompt in. I enjoyed listening in to their manly banter.

  5. I like how he's telling his pal to rein it in when it comes to other women. That guy sounds like he's ready to stray and maybe wants to live vicariously through his friend by encouraging him to step out on his wife. I DO think he's right though. Clare has flown the coop!

  6. I love their banter and how dedicated he is to Clare. I felt like I was having lunch with them. Great job!
