Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tuesday Tales - Chin


Welcome! This week, we're writing to the word prompt "chin". We have another episode of "The Kicker". Don't forget to visit the other authors and read their great stories. You can find them HERE


"Come on, Romeo," Uncle Charlie said, chuckling. "Time to go home." he fished the car keys from his pocket. Tyler followed them. Maybe coming home for Christmas wasn't such a bad idea.

When they got home, his mother yawned. "I’m going up to bed."

"Oh, wait. Ma. Ma?"


"Please get me no later than eight tomorrow."

"Okay. Why?"

"Meeting Mr. Forge for breakfast tomorrow."

"Derek Forge?"

"No. Andrew Forge."

She nodded. "Bless those men. They still believe in you."

"At least someone does," Tyler muttered.

Charlie reached for his nephew's arm. "Now you wait a minute. Your mother and I have never stopped believing in you. Maybe we don't have an idea what happened to make you crash and burn, but you're still ours. And we know you'll straighten out and be okay."

"'Night, Tyler," Marge Bentley kissed her son on the cheek, cupped her brother's chin and headed up the stairs.

Emotion choked Tyler. Uncle Charlie caught him by surprise. He never expected support. Now he needed to figure out how to justify their belief in him.



   As the Christmas celebration wound down, excitement grew inside Courtney. Merrily whispered in her ear.

"Did the guy make the delivery?"

Barely able to contain her excitement, Courtney nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Merrily gathered their belongings and shoved them in two bags. She fingered the necklace.

"Don't you dare put that in a bag! You'll lose it." Courtney took one bag and thrust the other at her sister before she turned to her mother. "Come on, Mom. Let's go."

"But Charlie was just telling me a story."

Merrily too her mother's arm. "He can come over later and finish it. Let's go."

Connie Adams shrugged. "Sorry. Please Charlie, do come over later for a nightcap."

The man nodded and backed away.

"What's so important you have to drag me away from Charlie?"

"You'll see," Courtney said, opening the firehouse door. 

The young women ushered their mother into the passenger seat.

"Hey! Wait! It's my car, I'll drive." Connie protested.

"Not tonight," Merrily said, slipping behind the wheel. Courtney opened the trunk and stuffed the packages in. The car was warming up when she slid into the backseat.


  1. I can't wait to find out what was delivered. Great way to build suspense. Well done.

  2. This is brimming with intrigue and emotional ripeness. Well done!

  3. Ooo nicely done! Can't wait to see what happens next.

  4. Love that he' getting support! And way to go on the suspense. Can't wait to see what was delivered.

  5. Oh, what are they up to? I am dying to know. Great job!
