Monday, September 21, 2020



Welcome! This week our word prompt is "win." We have an excerpt from a new story, tentatively titled "The Kiss,"  Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thank you for stopping by.  Comments are always welcome. 


Allison settled into a seat on the subway for the long ride to the Bronx Zoo. She was meeting her twelve-year-old son, Robbie, there. Good memories of long days spent at the Zoo with Robbie and his best friend five years ago washed over her. Recalling the feel of his small hand in hers as they walked from exhibit to exhibit brought a smile.

Now, he barely spoke to her. Surly teen years had kicked in. He preferred the company of his friends. Of course, it was normal, still, she was grateful he’d agreed to meet her. Thinking back, the happiness of those days filled with joy warmed her.  

A fulltime wife and mother, she’d strolled in the park with Robbie. Or stopped at the playground, to push him on the swing or dig in the sandbox. His love and affection had brightened her life.

As the train pulled into her stop, she rose. She was still ten blocks from the Zoo. As she walked, she thought back. Did she have any regrets? Oh, sure, she probably could have made better choices raising Robbie, but her mind wandered to one big decision she’d made, the one she’d regretted every day since.

Always early, Robbie stood at the entrance.

“Hi, Mom. What kept you?”

“We don’t live so close anymore.”

“Here’s the map. Let’s start at the reptile house,” Robbie unfolded the paper.

Allison made a face. “Five years later and I still don’t like reptiles.”

“Wait outside, then.”

Frowning, Allison agreed. She followed him, wishing he wouldn’t be so selfish and take her feelings into consideration. Teenagers. She plopped down on a bench outside. Basking in the warm May sun and no wind, she unbuttoned her jacket.

“I’ll be back.” Robbie hurried over to the entrance.

He met a boy there and they went in together. Although she didn’t get a good look, there was something familiar about him. Not surprised he’d made plans to meet a friend, too, she shrugged and took out her phone to read.

“Well, hello.” A deep, masculine voice broke into her thoughts. “Imagine meeting you here.”

She looked up into beautiful, smiling blue eyes.

“Don? Don Walters?” Then the lightbulb went off. Of course. It was Alex Walters who went into the reptile house with Robbie. He was five years older and she didn’t recognize him.

“Imagine running into you here. After all these years.” He shifted his weight.

She patted the bench. “Please sit down.” Her pulse zoomed into overdrive as he joined her. The man hadn’t changed a bit, being as gorgeous as ever.

“Good to see you.” His warm smile spread heat through her.

“Somehow I don’t think this was a coincidence,” she said.

He laughed. “Ya think?”


  1. I'm with her. The reptile house isn't my favorite part of the zoo. So, the kids are trying to set up their parents? Interesting. Great intro to the new story.

  2. Oh I remember those ages. I love the introduction. I’m dying to know what her regret is - and more about Don. Great job!!

  3. Her emotions about the regret and her son growing older and more remote are so well written. I like the way the boys apparently set up the parents. Intriguing!

  4. Wonderful post! I love seeing kids playing matchmaker.

  5. Great scene! I love how her memories take her back to the earlier years of when the children are young and we miss those days. (So familiar!)
    Love how the 'accidental' meeting takes place. What to keep reading!

  6. I miss the younger days with my kids, too! Great post and match makers
