Monday, November 18, 2019


Welcome! This week the word prompt is "fudge". We have another episode of "The House-Sitter's Country Christmas." Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales.Thanks for stopping by.


Laura attended the town meeting. One needed to be there to find out what was going on in town. Which decrepit old buildings were being torn down and which new zoning laws were going into effect? Besides, they always served refreshments afterward. 

That’s when the folks running the town socialized. 
“So, Laura, are you going to get involved in our Christmas Fest again this year?” Jess Lennox poured milk in her coffee.
“Well.” Eyeing the plate of homemade fudge, Laura hesitated.
“Isn’t your boyfriend coming this year? We want to put on a great show for him.”
“I don’t know.”
“What?” Jess cocked an eyebrow.
Laura bit into a square of fudge to stall for time. She sensed a blush in her cheeks. Damn, Craig! The last thing she wanted was to start gossip about her relationship.
“He may have to work.” She lied, taking another bite.
“On Christmas?” Jess stared at her.
“It’s not been decided yet. You go ahead with the plans. Don’t count on Craig being here.”
Yes, that’s right, don’t count on him. Don’t ever count on him, just count on yourself. She swallowed, then washed down her bitter thoughts with coffee. Jess put her hand on Laura’s arm.
“I’m so sorry. Maybe next year. Do you want to get involved? Or would you rather forget it?”
“I want to be involved. It’s my favorite time of the year.”
“Good. I was hoping you’d say that. We’re having a meeting in the library at the B and B tomorrow. Just a half dozen of us, so I’m serving dinner. Will you come?”
Relief flooded Laura. At least someone wanted her. “I’d be happy to.”



  1. Poor thing. Tough to feel unwanted. Great scene.

  2. Ugh! My heart hurts for her. He needs to hurry up and get there. Great job!

  3. Poor thing thinking no one wants her. :(
    Fudge and Christmas just seem to go together. Glad you paired them up! and I now want fudge. :)

  4. Aww, my heart goes out to her. I hope she has a lovely Christmas.

  5. Poor thing! If only she knew how others were conspiring to help make sure Craig goes. I want to slip her a note that says 'Don't worry. It will all work out.'

    1. Ooops - I think I got signed out somehow. This is Trisha.
