Monday, March 3, 2025



Welcome! This week we're writing to the word prompt "white", which fits in perfectly with my new story. The book still has no name, but it's calling me. I hope you enjoy the snippet. Don't forget to visit the other authors and read their great works. Find them HERE


Monday morning, Charlotte prepared scrambled eggs and bacon for her father and sat down across from him at their little kitchen table.

“You painting today or working on a new table?” he asked.

“Painting,” she replied before shoveling a forkful of eggs into her mouth.

“I’ll drop you off at the English department. I need the truck to haul Corey’s stuff to the house he’s renting,” Tom Anderson said.

“Okay. Do we know what color they want the offices painted?”

“I’m guessing the usual linen white, but Callie’s note didn’t say.”

“Got it. Let’s stop at the hardware store. I need two more cans.”

Tom nodded, finished his food and loaded the dishes in the dishwasher.

“I’ll be ready in ten,” Charlotte said, picking up the last piece of bacon and hurrying out the door.

Tom pulled the truck up in front of Larch Hardware.

“Don’t be jawin’ forever with Derek,” he said.

“I won’t,” Charlotte said.

Derek Larch, the son of the owner, flirted with Charlotte every time she entered.

“Charlie! Been a long time. What can I do for you?” he said, coming out from behind the counter and running his fingers through his blond hair.

“Hi, Derek. Need paint.”

“What color?”

Charlotte gave him the paint specs, then picked out a new roller and a roll of blue tape.

While the paint was mixing, he wandered over. “Changed your mind about marrying me?” he asked.

She laughed. “You ask me that every time. The answer is still “no”.”

“Some day I’m gonna see you out of that baggy jumpsuit.”

“Derek!” Charlotte drew her hand up over her chest and feigned a shocked expression.

He colored. “You know what I mean. Dressed like a girl.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”

“How about a movie? Or dinner? Thursdays is meatloaf night at Tony’s.”

“Thanks, Derek. I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

She shrugged. How could she tell him Professor Mark Garrett owned her heart, even though he’d never had much conversation with her, let alone seen her dressed as a girl.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment if you have a moment. 

Monday, February 24, 2025


Welcome!  This week we are writing to the prompt "perfect". We have another excerpt from my book with no name. This excerpt is a peek into Professor Mark Garrett. When you finish reading it, hop on over and read the other writers stories. Find them HERE.  


Professor Mark Garrett hated sitting alone at University functions. Ever since his wife, Susan, passed away, he was forced to participate on his own. Friends had been kind. He’d been invited to many homes of other professors for dinner and fixed up with a multitude of single women.

He drew the line at mixing with those enrolled at the University. He’d worked hard to establish a stellar reputation and would do nothing to tarnish it, especially for a roll in the hay. 

It had been almost five years now. He’d given himself many lectures that it was time to start over, to begin a new chapter of his life. Still, he put his energies into work and tried to ignore his loneliness. He clung to a romantic, if childish, notion that when the right woman came along, he’d snap out of his depression, spring into action, and find his happily-ever-after. 

After the ceremony, he returned to his old office to pick up his briefcase bulging with student papers to read and grade. One the desk sat a slim volume of poetry titled, From Wordsworth to Frost. Those were two of his favorites.

He wondered who it belonged to, so he lifted the cover to see if there was a name inside. There was an inscription.


                Charlotte –

              Merry Christmas.




Corey? Must be Corey Anderson. Could Charlotte be his girlfriend? Probably. Mark smiled. He’d given Susan a volume of poetry when she was in college. It tickled him to see this as the perfect romantic gift again so many years later. He wondered who this person, Charlotte, could be? Certainly no one in any of his classes. He would have remembered such a pretty name.   


That's it for this week. Thanks for stopping by. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Word Prompt "Child"


Welcome! This week we have a little more information about Charlotte in my story-without-a-title. When you're finished reading bop on over and read the amazing stories of the other Tuesday Tales writers. Find them HERE 


When Charlotte was a child, she lost her mother. Her father withdrew, leaving the children to fend for themselves. She picked up her mother's duties - keeping house and learning to cook. She and Corey became close. 

When Corey entered college, he insisted on moving into the dorm. Charlotte had been devastated. The last thing she wanted was to be saddled with her father. As she grew into a fine carpenter, he paid her a salary. Soon Charlotte had enough to get herself a modest home. Reluctantly, she accepted responsibility for her father's well being -- his mental health -- and remained in his house. 

Even though Tom depended on her, Charlotte maintained some independence. She made friends with Winnie at Java the Hut, Derek at the hardware store, and Jess Lennox, owner of the old inn with her husband. 

During long, dark nights, Charlotte tired of television and found herself drawn to books. Maybe it was Corey's influence or Professor Garrett's. Charlotte got a library card and, on a snowy winter's eve, she curled up in her mother's rocking chair with a blanket, a romance book, and her cat, Jasper. 

Tom had made the rocker for Charlotte's mother as a wedding present. Charlotte found comfort in the old wooden chair.    


Thanks for stopping by. 

Monday, January 27, 2025



Howdy do! Welcome. We have more stories by the talented Tuesday Tales writers today. We're writing to the word prompt "silly". I have the second installment from my new book-in-progress. Don't forget to leave comments. The authors love to hear from you. After you read my story, bop on over to the writers. Find them HERE


Proud of her brother for his accomplishment, she kept her mouth shut about him being thirty-two. Her father had no such qualms.

“It’s about time that boy got the damn degree. He’s been at it long enough. Geez, I coulda built me two, three, maybe even four houses all by myself in the time it took him to do that dang thing. Readin’ all those silly books. At least now he’ll be able to get a good job.”

“And marry Kitty Caldwell,” Charlie put in.

“Yeah. Maybe get to havin’ some grandkids,” Tom said, a half-grin on his dry lips.

Her gaze settled again on Professor Garrett. He preferred to be called “professor” instead of “doctor.” He’d said he always looked around for a man in a white coat when someone called him “doctor”. Charlie wondered why he didn’t look around for a woman in a white coat, but she kept that to herself.

She noticed the other professors who would be presenting honors from different departments sat with their wives. Not Professor Garrett. He took his position alone. Charlotte wondered why he wasn’t married. Maybe his wife was sick.

“Don’t you go getting any ideas about Professor Garrett,” her father said.

Charlotte felt heat rush to her face. She turned away, hoping he wouldn’t see.

“I got eyes, girl. I see the way you look at him. He’s forty. Too old for you. Widowed, too. So just forget it. With all the boys going to this college, you’d think a pretty girl like you would’ve picked one out by now,” Tom said, giving his head a little shake.

“Please, Pop. Be quiet!” Charlotte wanted to crawl under her chair. Fortunately, Professor Garrett didn’t hear. Or if he did, he didn’t turn around. She let out a breath. Sometimes her father could be a bull in a china shop. She grinned. Maybe all the time.

“I mean…”

The band stuck up the national anthem. Everyone stood up.

“Shhh,” Charlotte said, welcoming any interruption of her father’s opinions on her life.    

When the song concluded, everyone sat and the president of Kensington State, Mac Caldwell, took the podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen, students, faculty, parents, family, and friends. It is my honor to present the very first Ph. D. degrees from the University.

Charlotte didn’t hear the rest of his speech. Her eyes filled. All she could think of was Corey and his achievement. Pride in her brother filled her heart, along with a sadness that her mother couldn’t be there to see her son’s success.  

That's all for this week. Thanks for stopping by. 

Monday, January 20, 2025



Howdy do! Welcome! This week the glorious Tuesday Tales writers are writing to the word prompt "fruit." I am starting a brand new story!! Yes, the first new one in a long time and I'm thrilled. I'm so pumped. I hope I can devote lots of winter indoor-days to writing this tale. I don't even have a name for the book, but I do know that it will be book 10 in the Pine Grove series. 

So here's the beginning of the book. Pardon my writing as it has not been edited or proofed yet. I hope you like the story. If you do and you want to read more, please leave an encouraging comment. Those always motivate me to go to the computer. Thanks for stopping by. 

When you're done with my excerpt, please visit the other TT authors. Find them HERE


Charlotte Emily Anderson stood next to her father in the fifth row, at the garden where the Master’s degrees were to be presented. English professor Dr. Mark Garrett walked right past them. He didn’t recognize Charlotte and only gave a brief nod to her father.

Ever since she did the renovation of his office at Kensington State University, Charlotte had developed a huge crush on Dr. Garett. He didn’t recognize her because she always tucked her long dark hair under a painter’s hat and wore worker’s overalls. And she answered to the nickname of “Charlie”. Her gaze followed his attractive form to the front row.

Her father had insisted she dress like that when she worked a job.

“Don’t be flauntin’ your goods around men, Sister. You’ll be working alone there without me or your brother to protect you. And men get ideas. Besides, these men expect a man to be doing carpentry and painting walls, not some delicate flower.”

“I’m no delicate flower, Pa,” Charlotte had responded, pulling herself up to her full five foot eight inches.

“Well, your mother, God rest her soul, thought so.”

Her mother had died before she could see the fruit of her loins turn into a tomboy. Her father tried to teach his son, Corey, Charlotte’s older brother, his trade. But the boy ignored his father and spent his days under a tree reading literature while his sister finished each project.

After three years of letting her brother pass off her work as his, Charlotte spoke up. There was a terrible row. Corey stormed out of the house, then her father followed. When his son went off to college to study literature, Tom Anderson settled himself on hiring his daughter. That’s when she got the nickname “Charlie.”

Tom did carpentry for the university in exchange for free tuition for his son. There wasn’t money to send his daughter. Besides, she preferred woodworking to reading tiresome stories written by people long since dead. Besides, he needed her to keep his business going to put food on the table. He was getting too old to do everything himself. That was just fine with Charlie.


That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by. 

Monday, January 13, 2025



Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write stories to word prompts. This week's prompt is "cold", kind of appropriate for January, wouldn't you agree? We have more of Sam's story this week, but from Becky's perspective. Uh oh. Becky is not happy. Don't forget, when you've finished reading my story to hop on over and read the great stories by our talented crew. You'll find them HERE


The Bloodgoode sisters always angled to get things for free. “The poor family of Fitch’s pastor shouldn’t have to pay,” Charity had said over and over again. 

“We give you a lower price,  Charity, but everybody has to pay something. We have to pay for things. And so do you."

“Pastor’s money doesn’t go far,” Catherine mumbled.

“Why don’t you do some needlework and sell it. Or take in laundry?” Becky said, working to stifle a smile.

“Take in laundry? A pastor’s daughters? Pish tush!” Charity blustered.  “We’ll take a length of that grosgrain ribbon. In blue,” she said, pointing.

“Be content to be proud and do without,” Becky quipped, pulling down the ribbon and measuring it.

A nasty gleam glowed in Charity’s eyes. “Of course we’re proud. No one has toyed with our affections just to leave us high and dry,” she said, a mean grin pulled at her lips.


“Hush, Charity. I told you not to mention that,” Catherine said, her voice as fake as her demeanor.

Becky looked up. “What in heaven’s name are you two talking about?”

The sisters looked at each other, giggled, then leaned in closer to Becky. “We don’t like to gossip or anything,” Catherine said.

“You don’t?” Becky cocked an eyebrow.

“But news is news. And we figured you’d want to know first.

An uneasy feeling stole up Becky’s back.   “No, no I don’t.”

“Oh yes  you do,” Catherine continued, cutting off Becky’s escape by grabbing her arm and holding it fast.

“Stop,” Becky said, struggling under the young woman’s iron grip.

“Sam Chesney asked Violet Wilcox to marry him and she said yes!” Charity blurted out, then covered her mouth with her hand.

Becky felt heat rush to her face. “It’s not true,” she muttered.

“Oh, I’m afraid it is,” said Catherine, nodding.

Becky felt faint. She heard a ringing in her ears and her heartbeat jumped. She grabbed her shawl and headed for the back door.

“What about our ribbon?” Asked Charity.

“Take it. Take it. It’s a gift. Just leave. Leave now!” Becky said.

Blood drained from her face as fast as it had gathered there, leaving her lightheaded. She yanked her arm free, ran out the door, and continued as fast as her legs could carry her, impervious to the cold wind but not to the cold hand that gripped her heart. 

That's all. Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025



Welcome to another Tuesday Tales day. Brrr. There's snow on the ground. It's so great to be able to stay inside and cozy up to these wonderful stories. Today we have another episode of "Sam's Decision". Don't forget to bop on over to the other authors and read their terrific tales. You'll find them HERE


Early the next morning, Sam took the bright sunshine as a good omen. He finished his breakfast in three gulps and set out to Violet’s house.  With the sun on his shoulders, he walked quickly, easily making his way along the now familiar path.

After a firm, confident rap on the door, he shifted his weight, waiting to be let in. Finally the door was opened.

“Sam?” Violet said. “Come in.” She tugged on his arm and he stepped across the threshold.

“Morning, Miss Violet.” Sam looked around, surprised to see they were alone.

“Morning. Can I get you some cider?” she asked. “Do you want to sit by the fire?”

Without the sunshine on his back, his body shivered slightly. Was it from the cold or nerves.

“Yes, thank you. You’re mightykind,” he said, taking a chair by the fire.

Violet rushed out and returned quickly with a mug of cider and sat next to him.

“Violet, I’ve come to see you on a matter of great urgency,” Sam said, pushing to his feet.  

“Yes?” Her brilliant turquoise eyes made contact with his.

“It’s about what we discussed.”

“Oh?” she raised her eyebrows.

“About being a farm wife. I’ve spoken to your father…”

“You have?”

“Yes. And he said the decision is yours.”

“What decision?”

Sam put down the cider and took off his hat. He twisted it as his mind searched for the right words. “About becoming a farm wife.”

“Oh? Who’s asking?”

Sam grinned. “Oh come on, Violet. You know it’s me.”

She blushed. “Yes, I do. But I want to hear you say it.”

Sam took her hand in his. “Will you, Vi? Will you marry me and live on my farm?”

Her hand was soft and smooth. He stared at it, wondering if it was strong enough to do the work of a farm wife.

“Well?” he asked, joining his gaze with hers.

That's all for this week. Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment -it makes my day!