Monday, November 25, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Word Prompt "Thanks" - November 26


  Welcome! This is Thanksgiving week. So we have an appropriate word prompt, "thanks". We're returning to the world of Colonial America again this week with more of Sam's story. When you're done here, please stop over and read the other stories by our wonderful Tuesday Tales writers. You'll find them HERE


After their intimacy, Violet pushed her skirt down and smoothed the cotton fabric. Sam ran his fingers through his hair. What had he done? Shame filled him. He’d gone over the line and done the one thing Caleb told him not to do. But he couldn’t take it back now.

He wracked his brain, looking for a way out, a way to make it better. While Violet fussed with her hair, an idea great in his brain. Shyly, with a hoarse voice, Sam reached for Violet. He took her arm and gently turned her to face him.

“Violet, I love you. Will you marry me?”

She laughed. “Feeling guilty already?”

“No, no,” Sam lied.

“Yes, you are. If I don’t end up with child, we can simply admit we got carried away. I won’t hold you to your proposal. Here, help me with my dress,” she said, turning her back to him.

He laced up the back, tying and fastening whatever he could see in the dim light before he spoke.

“But I did the wrong thing. I wasn’t a gentleman. I took advantage.”

“No, you didn’t,” she said, patting his cheek.

He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. “You’re special, Violet.”

She primped one last time. “How do I look?”

Sam leaned back a tad and looked her over. “I’ll be darned. You look like you just stepped out of your house, ready to go to the harvest festival.”

She smiled. “Thanks. Let’s set you to rights,” she said, fussing with his hair and buttoning his shirt. “You’re half naked.”

Cool air on his skin reminded him of his state of undress. He rose to his feet and put his clothing back together. Once he was dressed, he faced her.

“You’re beautiful.”

She took his face in her hands and kissed him soundly. “I love you, Sam Chesney.”

“Come be my wife. Live with me on my farm.” He stroked her cheek.

She smiled, but kept silent. “I must get home.”

“I’ll speak to your father tomorrow,” he said.

She took his arm and matched her stride to his. “We’ll see.”

Thanks for stopping by. Happy holidays! 


  1. Interesting turn of events. I thought she would've jumped on his proposal.. Really curious to see where this will go now. Excellent scene.

  2. Wait. Has she changed her mind or is this all part of the ruse to trap him into marrying him and raising someone else’s child? I think she is far smarter than she seems. Great job!

  3. OOOH -- intriguing there at the end. I am wondering about her and if she is a loose woman. LOL
