Monday, June 13, 2022



Welcome! We have another episode of "The Kicker's Story" today  Check out all the wonderful stories HERE  Thanks for stopping by. 


Merrily's phone rang. "Hello?" She fingered the diamond bauble around her neck.  

Connie quietly finished her eggs, keeping one eye on her younger daughter.

"What? Really? That's fantastic. Yes. Yes. I'll be ready." Merrily put her phone down.

"Give," Courtney said, taking her attention away from her own business.

"This is the best news!" Merrily jumped up and paced in the small kitchen.

"And it is?" Her mother gestured.

"That was the secretary for Arthur Douglas, head of the Olympic Committee."

"Wow!" Courtney's eyes widened.

"She said I'm being considered as a trainer and assistant coach to the figure skating team for the upcoming winter Olympics!"

"Holy crow! That's terrific!" Connie grinned.

"What does that mean? Being considered?"

"It means I have to try out. Come up with a four minute routine and perform for the committee."

"You have to do a routine? Why? Why can't they simply take you because you've been training and advising young girls on ice skating for like seven years already?" Courtney asked.

"Because that's the way they do things. They want people who can really skate themselves. So they can judge, advise, and correct the skaters. Help them."

"Did you know about this?" Connie asked.

Merrily nodded. "I'd heard about it from my old skating partner, Chet."

"You still in touch with him?" Courtney made a face.

"Yes! No judgments please."

"Are you still crazy about him?" Connie asked, rising up and gathering the plates.

"Well. We broke up a long time ago. But we keep in touch."

"You mean he keeps you on a string if there's no one else to warm his bed, don't you?" Courtney handed her plate to her mother and refreshed her own coffee.

"Courtney! Stop." Connie knitted her eyebrows.

"Okay, okay. I know you've got a fatal thing for him. But you should move on."

"I have. Sort of." Merrily took the plates from her mother and loaded them into the dishwasher.

Courtney clicked her tongue against her teeth. "You're much too good for him."

"I agree," Connie said with a nod.

"I've got to practice."

Placed her hand on Merrily's arm. "When is the tryout?"

"March fifth. They'll announce the team in April."


  1. Excellent scene, pulling us in a different direction. Well done.

  2. Chet sounds like trouble on the horizon. I hope she fingers the bauble more and tells him to jump off a cliff. I'm glad he gave her the info about the job though!

  3. Exciting developments in the story. Worried about how Chet is going to figure into the mix! Intrigued.

  4. Oh -- so many strands and webs here. Waiting to see where they all end up. Great snippet! (Meanwhile....keeping my eye on that Chet

  5. I love the slight backstory about Chet. I can’t wait to see how her tryout goes. Great job!
