Monday, February 4, 2019


Welcome! This week the prompt is "tall". We're continuing with Maggie's Story. Scroll down for the link to return to Tuesday Tales. Thanks for stopping by!


Maggie made a face when Burt shoved a mug of steaming hot coffee at her at 5 a.m.“Tea drinker, Burt,” she managed to mumble.“Coffee’s the drink here, girl. Get used to it. It’ll jumpstart your day. Tomorrow you can make it.”“But I don’t know how.”“You’ll learn. Like you’ll learn everything else here. Get used to it, Maggie. New York is your new home.”

She didn’t argue with him. He’s right. Stubborn anger rose in her chest. She missed her old ways, England, her friends and the familiar life she’d led. She didn’t ask to come to New York City. Noisy, dirty, overflowing with pushy people who would mow her down on the sidewalk.

I’m gonna find me a British gent and be a fine lady. She needed a dream to cling to, one to keep her going. Every morning on the train, she’d listen for a familiar accent. Didn’t know exactly what she’d do if she heard a male voice speaking British English. If it ever happened, she’d figure it out.

  Maggie and Burt traveled to the hotel together every morning. After three weeks, she still wasn’t used to getting up at five. They walked to the subway together in silence, Maggie not awake enough to talk or listen.

The work at the hotel was hard. She lifted heavy bundles and carted piles and piles of sheets and towels. And it could be disgusting, too. Certain she’d never get over what people did to hotel rooms or what they left behind. Emptying waste baskets with condom wrappers in them made her sigh. At least someone is loved.
      Then there were the ones she turned over into the big bin that had vomit, blood, used condoms, or other things in them. Sometimes she’d retch and have to run to the bathroom. Chambermaid was a hard job. She developed new respect for the people who did the job for years and years. 

After all, she’d only be doing this nasty job for a little while. She was going to meet a tall, English gentleman and live a life of leisure someday. Wait! That nice man who gave her money --didn't he speak British English? Oh, yes. He did. She sighed. What chance did she have of running into him again? Well, she could dream, couldn't she? 




  1. People who work in hotels and on the ship cleaning up after people have my respect. I can only imagine what kind of messes they need to clean up. Well done. Glad she has a dream to keep her going.

  2. Love the details! People can certainly leave a disgusting mess behind for someone else to clean. She needs the dream of a fine gent to keep her going, and I'm glad she has Burt to see she gets up at the hour or 5 (which is unholy to her).

  3. Oh my, I've never imagined some of the nastiness that one would have to deal with in that type of position. I won't grumble about my PT day job anymore!
    Nice snippet. I loved the tease in there with her thoughts about the man with the British accent.

  4. Love her dream! I want that man, too. LOL And I can relate to not liking to get up at 5:00 too. LOL
