Monday, January 14, 2019


Howdy-do! Welcome! We continue with Maggie's Story today. Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thank you so much for coming!


After a climbing three staircases, they entered a tiny two bedroom apartment. Gladys led her to a narrow twin bed in a room with tw"o other beds the same size. There was barely room to move.
“This is your bunk, love. Here’s the paper. Look for a job. If you can’t find anything, Burt might be able to get you some work as a chambermaid at the hotel where he works. Do ya know how to make a bed?”
Maggie nodded. Gladys handed her a set of keys, kissed her on the cheek and headed for the front door. When her cousin was gone, Maggie sank down on her bed and cried.
"Come, come, lass. Ain't that bad. We've got some fish and chips. You must be hungry," Gladys said, handing Maggie a tissue.
After mopping her eyes and blowing her nose, she followed her cousin to the living room. In the small ell, a table was set up. 
"Help yourself," Gladys said with a smile. 
Maggie filled a plate with a piece of fish and French fries. She joined the others in the living room, taking a small chair. The food was a bit greasy, but delicious. She hadn't realized how hungry she was. 
"Do ya like living here?" she asked her cousin.
"New York City? It's bigger 'an you could imagine. But they got everything here."
"I hope they have a job."
"What do you do?" Gladys asked.
"Take care of children."
"Oh, a nanny?"
Maggie nodded.
"Might be kinda hard to find that here, seein' you don't know nobody."
Maggie finished her food, washed up her plate and returned to her room. Lying on the bed, she stared at the ceiling. Maybe something good could come from this huge place? That is, if it didn't swallow her whole, first. 


  1. Love the image of the city swallowing her. Well done.

  2. Her loneliness and the details of the stark new environment come across so well. I can't wait to find out what's in store for her. What a powerful last line!

  3. I love Maggie and I feel her loneliness here. Great job at showing us her anxiety in her new surroundings.

  4. My heart is breaking for her, mostly alone in a big city. I hope she finds her way soon!
