Monday, July 23, 2018

TUESDAY TALES - Picture Prompt - More of "Renovatingg the Billionaire."

Welcome! Thank you for coming. This week is picture prompt week and only 300 words allowed. We have another snippet from "Renovating the Billionaire."  Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. 


Jess gazed at the plates and cups on the knickknack shelf in Laura Dailey’s kitchen. With a sigh, she smiled at the older woman.
“Sometimes I wish you were my mother.”
“Hush! Don’t say that. Your momma did the best by you she could.”
“Yeah, I know. Still. It’s hard sometimes.”
Laura gave the young woman a brief hug. “I know sweetie. But you’re doin’ real fine. Your pies and cakes are as good as mine.”
“Not yet. But someday they will be.”
Laura glanced at her watch. “Going to visit your ma today?”
“Yep. It’s Tuesday.”
“Bus’ll be there in fifteen.”
“Oops. I’d better go.”
“You go on. I’ll deliver these to the Cozy CafĂ© when they’re cool.”
“Thank you.”
Jess slipped her worn leather purse over her shoulder. She checked to make sure she had a bag of Twizzlers, her mom’s favorite candy. It was all she was allowed to take into the prison.
The sun broke through the clouds as she made her way to the stop, across the street from the bank. Bus pulled up not thirty seconds after she arrived.
Fishing around in her pockets, she’d forgotten to count out her change. She rummaged through her bag for a few crumpled bills. She counted out twenty dollars and ten cents.
“Don’t worry about it,” the driver, Dale, said, taking her money. “I’ll lend you the rest.”
“Dale. You gotta stop doin’ that.”
“Can’t have you standin’ up your ma now, can we?”
She smiled.
“Course, if you’d go out with me, just once, all those debts would be forgotten.”
Her face heated at his stare. “We’ve been over that. I’m not dating anyone. I told you.”
“One day, you’ll change your mind.”
“Not likely.”
“I’m a patient man.”



  1. Wow! Lots of new information here. Curious to see where it goes. Well done.

  2. I’m very curious why Mom is in jail. And Dale is cute even if he’s persistent. Great job!

  3. Goodness, I'm curious about Mom as well!

  4. Love Dale's last line. Interesting about mother!! And love how you fit in the photo.
