Welcome to Tuesday Tales. Our word this week is "stutter". My story continues with Kate this week. She will be the 5th book in the Manhattan Dinner Club series.
Shuffling through the pattern book at the fabric
store on 39th Street, Kate’s mind wandered back to when she had approached her husband, Tracy, about starting a business.
“You want to be a seamstress? A sewer? A
dressmaker? What are you nuts?” He stuttered, unable to get out all the
epithets he could think of for what she wanted to do. The word designer wasn’t among them. “No wife of mine is going to labor like that. Take care of the kids, cook, fuck me every night –there’s plenty for you to do right here,” he had huffed.
Her hand shook as she fumbled with the pages. What am I doing? Was he right? Two more pages. And if I don’t find it. That’s it. Bess can buy a dress for the Emmy’s. She flipped the heavy duty paper and the next dress stopped her cold. That’s it! She’ll be a Goddess. Perfect!
Kate wrote down the number of the pattern and approached the man behind the counter.
While he looked for it, her gaze searched the small store. There were bolts of fabric stuck in every nook and cranny.
Piled high in one corner was lace. Satin occupied the space against the back wall. As her creative juices began to flow, she smiled. Jersey. Sparkly jersey. But it’s so hard to sew. I’ll figure it out.
“Where do you keep the softer fabric?”
“Jersey? Follow me.” Short and on the round side with a kind face, the man led her to the back. Bolt after bolt of material, from brightly colored to pastels, stood before her.
“Take your time,” he said, returning to the front.
A bolt of dark turquoise leaped out at her. That’s it! She carried the bolt to the counter. As the man measured out the fabric, a deep voice grabbed her attention.

She turned, setting her gaze on bright, intense blue eyes set in a handsome face. He looked to be around forty years old.
"Thank you."
"That color will be beautiful on you.
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