Here are a few sneak peeks, snippets into Major Tom Davis and Eden Wyatt's story. I hope they whet your appetite to read more.
Excerpt #1
Year’s Eve, New York City
Eden pushed through the door of the apartment, almost knocking over someone on
the other side.
“Hey, watch it,” came
a deep voice.
“Sorry,” she called
out over the loud music.

A Marine. Brass. She grinned as she
looked him over. Shoulders as wide as the island of
Manhattan. Nice.
The man extended his
hand. “Major Tom Davis.”
“Eden Wyatt.” CIA,
but that’s none of your business.
Excerpt #2
“Care to dance?” Tom
asked her, setting his glass on the mantle.
A shy smile crept over
her face as she placed hers on a side table. “Love
The major took her
hand in his and led her out to the center of the room. He placed his other hand
on her waist and pulled her a little closer. Eden folded her fingers over his
shoulder and stepped into his embrace. “How Do You
Fall in Love” blended into “Far Away” by Nickelback, and they kept dancing.
For the second song,
Tom pulled her in closer. Eden rested her head on his shoulder. Her soft chest
flattened a little against his hard muscle. The pressure of their bodies touching warmed her blood. A whiff of his aftershave mixed
with the smell of his freshly ironed shirt and his unique scent, intoxicating
her. Although her mind willed her to move back from his seductive warmth, her
body rebelled, softening against him.
Excerpt #3
Tom raised his tumbler
to hers. “To a great new year.” He moved his seat
closer to hers.
She clinked her glass
against his and smiled. They each took a sip. Eden placed hers on the
windowsill so she could pick up a cube of cheese and hold it to his mouth. He
ate it slowly, holding her gaze with his. He picked
up a strawberry and held it to her lips. She munched on it, keeping eye
contact. The air between them crackled with electricity. He’s
so tall…handsome.
They fed each other
back and forth until she drew the tip of his finger into her mouth. She licked strawberry juice off it then pushed it slowly
out again. Looking up, she saw desire flicker in his eyes and a flush steal
into his cheeks. Gotcha. Eden noticed his gaze drop to her mouth,
so she swiped the tip of her tongue across her lower lip. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he stared.
They were sitting
close, knees touching when everyone started yelling. Fireworks were heard in
the distance. Midnight.
He whispered so softly
she almost didn’t hear him. “If you’re going to do that…I’m going to do this.” He leaned over and brushed his lips against
hers then planted a real kiss. When he sat back, he said, “Happy New Year,
She was breathless and
could only nod her head.
Excerpt #4The delicious aroma of bacon cooking crept into the bathroom, seducing his taste buds. His stomach rumbled. As he finished wiping off his face, he realized he had forgotten to bring in his clothes. Towel around the waist. Give her a gander, like she gave me. He chuckled at the bold assumption that she was interested in him. Is she a flirt, or does she like me? Guess I’ll find out now. He gave a short laugh as he opened the door.
“What’s so funny—?”
she began, but ended in a gasp when she saw him.
“Sorry. Left my clothes out here.”
Her gaze slid down his
chest like the caress of a warm hand. “Wow. Great way to wake me up, major.”
He sensed heat moving
up into his neck. Her frank appreciation of his body embarrassed him more than
he had expected. They stood, staring at each other,
until the pleasant bacon aroma turned slightly acrid.
“The bacon!” she
shrieked, returning quickly to the kitchen.
The smoke alarm went
off then, sending a shrill scream through the apartment. Tom stood on a small
stool and reset it while she pulled the pan off the
flame then opened a window. They both burst out laughing.
If I post anymore, I might give away the plot. Can't do that! If you want to read more, sign up for pre-order at any of the links below:
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