Here's a snippet from my work-in-progress, The Dating List.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Carrie arched into him,
pressing her hips into his, her fingers combing through his hair. As his lips
found her peak, the slamming of the front door, indicated Colin was home. Grey
swore under his breath.
* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Little brothers…crap.
Can’t believe he’s still showing up at the wrong time.”
He sat up. Carrie arched
an eyebrow.
“Oh? And what
inconvenient times did he show up before?”
Grey felt his cheeks get
“You know…”
“Not really. Tell me.”
“Stop kidding, Carrie,” a
smile played with his lips.
“Like when you were
making out with a girl, trying to get her panties off, you mad seducer,”
Carrie’s fingers tickled his sides, causing Grey to bend and twitch. A roar of
laughter escaped his mouth as the two lovers wrestled with each other. Grey
grabbed her hands and clasped them together in his one big one. He rolled her
over subduing her kicking legs by trapping them between his as his mouth blew
raspberries on her neck. She screamed, convulsing in laughter as she struggled
to free herself from his vice-like grip. He lifted his mouth from her neck and
lowered it possessively on her lips. The demanding kiss grew deeper, more
passionate. She stopped squirming, relaxing against his hard body, molding hers
to his.
The Dating List, coming in October.