Monday, March 11, 2019

TUESDAY TALES - WORD PROMPT IS "STEADY" Another episode of "Maggie's Story".

Howdy do! Welcome. This week our word prompt is "steady." More from Maggie's Story. Don't forget to scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thanks for stopping by.


Maggie threw her meager belongings in the cardboard suitcase she’d brought from home. After stopping to say farewell to her roommates and cousin, she hurried out the door. Worry furrowed her brow. A chauffeur to pick me up. What if they don’t like me? Where will I go if they turn me out? Mum would say, make sure you do a good job. I will, Mum, I will.
  Ten minutes early, Maggie waited in front of the decrepit tenement she’d called home. A shiny, black limousine stopped, and a tall handsome man in a uniform got out, opened the back door and gave a slight bow.
“Miss Chadwick?” He cocked an eyebrow, his gray eyes hard and inquisitive.
She nodded and looked up. “You!” Shock zinged through her. He was the man who had given her the money when she was flat broke. He took her suitcase and placed it in the trunk. She settled into the backseat. The ride was as smooth as a magic carpet.
“I’m Maggie.”
“John,” he said in a perfect English accent.
Staring at the back of his head, she noticed that his light brown hair, worn not too short or too long was expertly trimmed.
“Nice to meet you,” she said.
“Don’t be thinking you’re going to take the Roberts’ for a ride, young woman. They are the most decent sort. I’ve got my eye on you. I’ll be watching. I’d better not find any of the silver or jewelry missing or you’ll answer to me. I nailed the last nanny. She's doing five years for theft.” His sharp tone frightened her. 
She guessed him to be around thirty-five, yet he spoke as if he were older and a member of the family. She laced her fingers and looked out the window. The traffic was heavy, but John seemed to glide through it nice and steady.
Glancing around the backseat at all the unoccupied space, she mumbled, “Size of my bedroom.”  
“What?” John flashed a look in the rearview mirror.
“Nothing. Never been in a limo before.”
“Country girl? How long have you been in the city?” He returned his gaze to the street.
“Long enough.” She pursed her lips into a thin line. I’m not some fool you can seduce and abandon.

Five minutes later, they pulled up in front of an imposing building on pristine Park Avenue. He parked and opened the door for her, all cold efficieny. Then he retrieved her valise and handed it to the doorman. While he tipped his hat to her, his eyes were unfriendly, his handsome face a mask. 

Thanks for coming.  


  1. Well done. Looking forward to more. I do hope things will work out for the poor thing.

  2. I love how their paths have crossed again. A lovely tale that I'm glad you've gone back to.

  3. Very cold reunion between the two. Makes me hope for heat soon. Great job!

  4. I love this story! You do such a great job of creating such a nuanced world.
