Monday, May 6, 2019


Welcome! This week the word prompt is "grassy." We have more of my urban fantasty, "Midnight in Central Park." Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thank you for stopping by. 


The guys raced after me. My feet left the grassy area and took me in the direction of Balto. I thought I could hide in the tunnel. I heard a low rumble. Glancing up, I noticed clouds gathering, covering the moon. Shit! Rain? But I didn’t have time to bitch about it as they were still after me.
When I saw the tunnel, I sped up. I plastered myself against the wall where darkness covered me. The rumbling in the sky got louder. A flash of lightning drew my eye.
The bad guys didn’t stop. They headed straight for me. With nowhere to hide, I sprinted to Balto. They caught up. I stood in front of the statue, hoping the dog would give me courage.
“Okay. Put down the sleeping bag.”
I shook my head.
“I said. Put down the sleeping bag.’
A loud crack of thunder made us jump. We looked up at the sky, no rain, only fast-moving clouds and a few flashes of lightning. The sky turned black. I stood my ground.
“If you want the bag, you’re gonna have to come and take it.” Hidden by my baggy pants, my knees shook. The bad guys advanced, slowly.
Then it happened. After another loud crack of thunder, I heard a growl –soft at first, but the closer they got, the louder the snarl. I glanced behind me. Sonofabitch! The statue of Balto was alive! Hell, yes. He moved up next to me and bared his teeth.
The two muggers froze. I swear the tall one’s hair stood up. My eyes grew wide as I stared at that dog. Light reflected on his metal body. I mean, he didn’t turn into a flesh-and-blood dog with fur and stuff. He was still a bronze thing, creature. But he moved. His legs, his head. His eyes glowed with a light from within. His lips curled back, and his teeth showed white.
Terrified and riveted at the same time, I couldn’t move. I simply stared. Balto took another step forward toward the guys. They let out a shriek, turned, and ran. They flew like the wind, as if the Devil was chasing them. Maybe he was.
I watched Balto walk back to his stand and resume his usual position. There was another low rumble of thunder before the clouds cleared off and the moon shone bright. Scared and curious at the same time, I approached the statue. Extending a shaking palm, I stroked Balto’s nose. It was stone cold metal. He didn’t move.
“Thanks, Boy,” I said.

