Monday, May 13, 2019


Welcome! This is picture prompt week. We are relegated to only using 300 words to tell our stories this week. It will be a challenge. Above is the picture I chose. My urban fantasy, "Midnight in Central Park" continues this week. I hope you're enjoying the story. Please feel free to leave a comment. I love feedback. Thanks for stopping by. 


   The metal of Balto's snout was cold under my hand. Although he'd been alive, sort of, a few minutes ago, now he stood still and stiff, as usual. Did I dream that he came to life? I couldn't stop staring at the statue. Had it been real? Did he chase away the muggers? I rubbed my eyes. Maybe it had been a dream.
   Light grabbed my attention. I looked up. The dark clouds melted away. The sky opened and a shaft of light shone down on the dog and me. I yawned. My legs felt heavy, my feet like they were lead. Time for sleep. I dragged myself back to the turtle pond, a safe place to spend the night. 
   As I rounded the far end, I averted my eyes from the statue of King Jagiello, liberator or Poland. The writing on the base said he was a good guy, but one look at his weapons and his face and I didn’t believe it.
   With two swords raised above his head he looked ready to charge. Damn, even his horse had an angry face.
As the light from the streetlamps created shadows around him, I swallowed hard and walked faster. If Balto could come alive, what about this guy? Could he leap off the pedestal and charge me? Run me through with his swords? I wasn’t taking any chances. I ran, leaving the scary guy behind.
   On the grass, rocks sticking up out of the ground provided good cover. I spread my sleeping bag and scooted up against the hard surface, hoping I'd disappear in the shadows.
   “Everything’ll look better in the morning,” my mother would say. Yeah, sure. Growling metal dogs and thunder storms with no rain wouldn’t be any different when the sun came up. Trust me.



  1. Enjoying this incredible walk through Central Park. Your words oy bring the park to life. Well done.

  2. Love these surprises! I am so enjoying knowing more of his inner and outer life.

  3. I am so sucked in with what he sees. I can’t wait to see this world you are building! Great job!

  4. Love it! The last lines were awesome!

  5. Great scene and a wonderful way to use the picture prompt. I'm loving this story and getting to know him more.
