Monday, October 23, 2023



Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week the word prompt is "clean." We have another episode of "Two of Hearts." It's still Terry's tale this week. Don't forget to visit the other authors and read their wonderful stories. Find them HERE


After a stroll around the block, Terry opened a pint of ice cream, got a spoon, and watched baseball—anything to keep from thinking about his conversation with Clare. He’d expected her to coo words of love and go on and on about how much she missed him. He’d expected her to launch into a detailed description of a movie set, including her take on the people. He’d loved that about Clare. She could describe colleagues, acquaintances, and friends as if they were characters in her story. She’d have him riveted, enjoying the drama she spun.

But this time, the conversation was dry. Hell, sure he was jealous. He’d seen too many complacent guys taken by surprise when their women dumped them for another man. He’d vowed never to be that kind of stupid. Men undervalued their women, assumed they’d stick forever, no matter what. But divorce stats blew that notion away.

Maybe he’d become extra vigilant, maybe even over the line. No one could say he took his wife for granted. His wife wasn’t just some women, she was smart, sexy, beautiful –and his, if he didn’t act like a dumbass.

His brows knit, forming the beginnings of worry lines between his eyes. While she hadn’t said anything to alarm him or even indicate she found the men out there sexy, he couldn’t put the idea out of his mind. Even with no reason for concern, a chill settled in Terry’s spine. If anything did come up, or even threaten, what could he do about it three thousand miles away?

He stripped down, cleaned up, and climbed into bed. Queenie jumped up to join him. He switched out the light and lay awake, stroking Queenie's soft fur. 

"That's it, Queenie. The problem. She's too far away," he said. The pug snored her agreement. 

"It's bullshit." 

In the morning, he’d make a reservation and fly out to L.A. Would he tell Clare he planned to visit? Deciding to surprise her instead, he fell into a restless sleep beside his pug.  

That's it, gang. Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Sounds like he had better sort his personal life out PDQ. Great snippet!

  2. Hope his surprise won't backfire. Excellent scene.

  3. I'm scared of what he's going to find when he gets out there. Great scene.

  4. Good for him to plan to see her. But like Flossie said, I’m worried about what he’ll find when he gets there. Great job!
