Monday, June 14, 2021



Welcome! This is picture prompt week. We write our stories to a picture and limit it to 300 words. In order not to give away too much of the plot of "Too Late for Goodbye", I'm switching stories this week. We start "Sarah's Dilemma" - book 2 of my historical romance series, The Catskills Saga. The picture is reminiscent of the yoke used on oxen to transport Sarah and her family to Fitch's Eddy. 

I hope you enjoy the new story. Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thanks for stopping by. 


April 1788

Sarah Chesney stood in the doorway of the room she shared with her younger sister, Lizzy. The little girl stood on her bed.

“Catch me, Papa,” she said, her shining eyes bright with mischief.

Caleb Tanner, Sarah’s stepfather, waited a few steps away. He opened his arms.

“Come, my Lizzy!”

Shrieking with laughter, the seven-year-old leaped off the bed into his arms. He closed them around her, hugging her to his chest.

Sarah frowned. Abigail placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. She leaned down to whisper. “I know.”

Sarah turned away and stepped into the hall.

“She’ll never remember our father. The real Papa.” Sarah’s eyes wetted, her chest tightened as she thought about George Chesney.

“It’s hard for you, isn’t it?”

Sarah nodded. Abby hugged her. “You’ll never forget him. And neither will your brother. But Lizzy was so young when we lost him. She needs a father. Caleb needs a daughter. Don’t be angry with her. He’s good to her.”

Sarah stared at her hands. “That he is. Because if he wasn’t, I’d sick Sam on him. Or maybe take a broom handle to him myself.”

Abby laughed.

“Is he good to you? Are you happy?” Sarah took her mother’s hand.

A serene smile spread over Abigail’s face. “He is good to me. I didn’t think I could ever be happy again. But I am. I thank God for bringing Caleb into my life.” Abby kissed her daughter’s head.  

“You have Caleb, but I have no one.”

“You have me, Caleb, Sam, Grandma, and Lizzy. Not exactly no one.”

Sarah made a face. “You’re never here.”

“Oh yes I am.”  

“You sleep at Caleb’s house.”

“A wife sleeps with her husband.”

“Am I old enough to be a wife, Mama?” Sarah turned big eyes to her mother.  





  1. This sounds like a really good story. Great job. Looking forward to more.

  2. A great look into their family dynamic. I can feel her sorrow from losing her father. I can't wait to learn more about them! Great job!

  3. Goody! A brand new story. I'm already in love with this family pieced together from several bits. Love it!
