Monday, September 9, 2019


Welcome! It's time for Tuesday Tales. We have more of "Midnight in Central Park" this week. It's my urban fantasy and it will be finishing soon. Scroll down to return to the excellent writers of Tuesday Tales.


Every morning I woke up sure the Gold’s had been a dream. But it was real. And every night I waited for the next shoe to drop –them deciding they don’t want me or the Plaid Lady taking me away. Who would want me? Hell, if I was them, I wouldn’t want me, either.
I missed the park. The weather was getting cooler, making it harder and harder to sleep out there. I snuck away a couple of afternoons to visit Balto and that weird Jag guy who saved me.
Even with Snake and that asshole gone, I still felt the presence of evil. I wondered if Jag would turn against me. The atmosphere in the park had an edge, as if the evil that followed me was still around, waiting to jump me.
“No more sleeping in the park, Jamie,” Mrs. Gold said as she stirred the spaghetti sauce.
Who the fuck did she think she was, telling me what to do?
“Okay, Mrs. Gold.”
Tell ‘em what they want to hear. I learned that by the time I was seven.
“I mean it. It’s not safe. Muggers and who knows what other evil lurks there. You’re better off here with us.”
“You’re right.” String her along. Still, I felt what she talked about. It had been my rock. I needed the park, my safe place. I wished the Golds had been that, but who could I trust?
The truth? No one.




  1. That poor lad. I hope he comes to trust his new foster parents soon...

  2. After what he's been through, it isn't hard to understand his wariness. Great scene

  3. Aww, I hope he can come to trust them soon and that they never give up on him.

  4. I love the concern she has for him. And the evil he feels gives me the shivers. Great job!

  5. so sad that he can't trust, but I get it. Tough life so far makes for distrust. AND evil lurking is just flat out scary! Can't wait to see how it manifests.
