Monday, January 13, 2020

Welcome! This week is picture prompt week. I've chosen the fireplace. And, yes, this week I am confining my excerpt to only 300 words! I hope you enjoy this episode of "The Chase", for want of a better name. Thanks for stopping by. 


Rennie peeked out of the doorway.

“Damn. Yeah. It’s a letter.” She shivered as cold draft from the street hit her. “Look, it’s freezing. You’re not a serial killer, are you?” She bit her lip and looked up into his amazing eyes.
He laughed. “Nope. Not  yet. But some days on the subway…”
“I know what you mean. Grab that letter. I’ve got a fire going. I’m going to change. Why don’t you come in and get warm?” She opened the door.
“That’s damn nice of you. I’m freezing my butt off out here.” He slid the letter out from under the door across the way and entered the apartment. “Oh, nice and warm in here.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Rennie disappeared through a door and firmly shut it behind her. Tim sat on the sofa, facing the small blaze. The heat on his face felt good. It was about twenty degrees outside and he was underdressed, as usual.
While he waited, he looked around the apartment. There weren’t many tchotchkes around. He nodded briefly. Gotta like a girl with an uncluttered place. The walls held beautiful artwork, some modern and some stunning landscapes. She had good taste.
“Well? Did you examine the envelope?” She perched on the sofa.
He shook his head.
“Whatcha been doin’?”
“Looking around. This is a beautiful apartment.”
“Thanks. A subtle blush added to her beauty. She tucked a lock of her unruly hair behind her ear. Her slim frame wore leggings and a huge shirt, like big enough to fit Shrek. Too bad. It hid her curves from his curious eyes.
“Give it here.” She took the letter, sniffed it, held it up to the light, then read the front. “Hand-written. Clearly this is personal.”
“That means we have to open it.”


  1. I'm curious. Looking forward to more. Love the Shrek sweater image.

  2. Oh - you CAN'T stop right there!
    No, no, no. Curses to the 300 word limit LOL
    Great scene! I can't wait to read more.

  3. Ooooo I wonder what comes next? Can't wait to find out.

  4. I love the descriptions as he takes in the apartment. I can feel the fire blazing. Great job!
