Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Welcome! This week the word prompt is "fussy." I have another episode of my urban fantasy, "Midnight in Central Park." Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thanks for stopping by. 


Okay, so I screwed up. It’s only a black eye. You should see the other guy. They called the Golds. Jesus Christ, both of them came to school.
“Are you hurt? The nurse said you seem to be okay.” Mrs. G fussed about.
“I’m fine.” I pushed her hand away.
“What the Hell, Jamie. What happened?” Mr. G. always got to the point.
“Nothing. I didn’t like what Robert said. So I punched him.”
That’s me being honest and direct. No good will come of it. The principal gave me a glassy stare, chilled me to my bones. He never liked me or other kids like me, with no homes, or problem parents. I just gave him a great excuse to transfer my ass outta her to some school two hours away. Or send me to some cheap-ass boarding school with convicts. I stared back at him, looking as tough as I could muster with a bloody nose and a black eye.
I would be surprised if the Golds shipped me out for this. If they only knew. Mr. Carter, the gym teacher, poked his head in.
“I saw the whole thing.”
“And what did this boy, Robert say? Did you hear, Mr. Carter?” Ole tight-ass Principal Goodwell asked.
He nodded. I cringed. I didn’t want anyone to know. “He said something like Jamie wasn’t fussy, moving in with a couple of Jews. Pardon me. I’m just quoting as best as I remember.”
The silence got so heavy you could have sliced it with a knife. Principal Dumb-Ass stood up.
“I see. Well, I think we can excuse this this time. Just don’t let it happen again, Jamie. I expect you back in school tomorrow. On time and prepared. That’s all.”
The Golds and I stood up. They shook hands with Dumb-ass and headed for the door. Outside, Mr. G. faced me and stuck out his hand.
“Thanks, Jamie. That was a brave thing to do.”
“Yeah? Well nobody rags on my friends.”
Mrs. G. hugged me. I felt my face heat up. Geez, why did she have to keep doing that? I knew how she felt.
“I made brisket last night. Let’s go home and have dinner.”
“Dinner? One of my favorite words.” I tried to smile at her, but my swollen lip hurt.  


  1. I love that he's found a home with them. Love this-- "Principal Dumb-Ass." Ha!!!

  2. I love his personality. He's scrappy and yet kind deep down. Well done!

  3. I just love seeing how he's bonding with the Gold's, despite his best efforts to have a hard shell around him.

  4. I love that he stuck up for them. There’s a bond that gets stronger and stronger. I hope it sticks. Great job!
