Monday, June 10, 2019


Welcome! This week the word prompt is "flower." We have more of my urban fantasty, "Midnight in Central Park." Scroll down to return to Tuesday Tales. Thanks for stopping by. 


The park was nice in June. Lots of stuff blooming. Most of the flowers were nice, but there’s this one bush, it had flowers. I haven’t seen many bushes that bloom. One guy who works in the park told me it was called mountain laurel. The flowers were different, not like regular flowers. They have little designs inside.
That bush was like me. Looked the same as every other bush on the outside, but inside, it’s different. I’m like that. People look at me and think I’m some stupid little asshole, but on the inside of me, there’s a lot going on. I only know of one place in the park where the mountain laurel blooms, down by the Shakespeare Theater.
I went there to sleep. There’s a bench by the turtle pond that totally hidden from the path. You have to walk in toward the pond to see it. My bedroll fits perfect. I’ve slept there before. Only thing is you gotta make sure not to roll off.
There are a shitload of turtles in that pond. There’s this one really big one. I called him Smoky. He was a lazy dude who’d glide around, looking for handouts. I never had any food for them, but they’d show up to see me anyway. I guess they were hoping that I will someday.
I didn’t go home because that Dickwad Spider would be popping in at some time. He’s dangerous. He needs Ma, so he won’t do anything to her if she’s not stealing from him. But me? He’s got no use for me. I stay away when he’s expected.
After checking out the mountain laurel, I took a bench and spread out to do my homework. It doesn’t get dark until late in June, so I had plenty of time to get everything done. I’d go in early to bang out my essay on the library computer. Mrs. Gold, my English teacher, made a deal with the librarian. I don’t touch anything else, don’t make a mess, so she lets me come in early.
I write essays about the park a lot. I thought about writing about Balto coming to life, but figure Mrs. Gold might have me committed. It’s been on my mind a lot lately. Hard to have such a big secret. So what the fuck. I wrote about it this week. I’m hoping Mrs. Gold doesn’t go nuts.




  1. I visited that part of the park! I looked up mountain laurel. It's gorgeous. Don't think it would grow around here. Glad he's doing well still. Poor little guy. Great scene.

  2. I'm loving this story. My heart breaks for him. I want to go embrace him, give him a good meal and a roof over his head and make all the ugliness of life go away.

  3. He is such a special boy. Guts he's got! Loving this story.
