Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Welcome! This week we have a picture prompt, and a 300-word limit. Check out this next episode of Maggie's Story. Don't forget to scroll down to return to the other stories on Tuesday Tales. Thanks for coming! 


At the hotel, Maggie had mastered the art of cleaning up while remaining invisible. One day, while she was returning with her load of dirty linens, she heard a baby crying. The door to the hotel room was cracked open.
Peeking inside, she saw a beautiful blonde woman, holding an infant and walking to and fro while he wailed. Her eyes, full of tears, connected with Maggie’s.
Crap! Am I going to get in trouble? A shiver of fear shot up her spine. I can’t afford to lose this job. The door opened wider.
“Wait,” said a trembling voice. “Do you know anything about children?” The woman stuck her head out the door. By now, a few tears ran down her cheeks.
“Six younger brothers and sisters, so I guess you could say I do,” Maggie replied.
“Please help me. I don’t know what he wants.”
Fearful of overstepping her boundaries, Maggie crossed the threshold of the suite. The chambermaid reminded herself what her boss had said. The guest comes first. Whatever they want, we provide.
The woman handed over the child. He stopped wailing. His little face was red from crying. Maggie spoke to him in a soft voice and rubbed his back. The child gave forth with a loud burb.
“That’s all he needed? I’ll take him. Thank you.” The woman pulled a twenty-dollar bill from her pocket and pressed it into Maggie’s hand.
“No need…”
“Please. I insist.”
Maggie nodded, grateful for the cash.
“My name’s Anne Roberts,” she said, holding out her free hand.
“Maggie. How old is he?”
“About eight months.” The baby gurgled. “Thank you, I think I can handle him now.” The door closed.

Pain shot through Maggie. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. He’s about the age mine woulda been.  


  1. Aw, that must have been so hard for her. Such a powerful excerpt!

  2. It's agonizing how so quickly reminders of a lost child can overwhelm. Very well done. I love Maggie's story.

  3. Poor Maggie! I love that she was able the poor baby but am heartbroken over the Remember ave of her own little one. Great job!

  4. I love this scene! Maggie's trepidation about overstepping her boundaries, and then the tugging at the heart with her own sadness. Well done! I love Maggie's story.
