Monday, October 31, 2022



Welcome! This week is another episode of "The Kicker's Story, Part 1" and from Dale's point-of-view. They are getting ready for bed, but not together. We get to peek at the other side of Robbie Anthony. Find the great Tuesday Tales stories HERE. Thanks for stopping by. 


“They move on? Don’t you move on?”

“Not usually. Sometimes. If I see the gleam of babies, strollers, and big mortgages in a woman’s eyes, I cool it down.”

She nodded. “I see. So women who want forever, commitment – they get tossed.”

“I try to figure that out before we even get here. As I said. I don’t like to break hearts, or lead anyone on, but I’m not domestic in any way. I never pretend I am. They know that.”

“And that makes what you do okay? Because you’re up front about it?”

“Sure beats lying. You’d be surprised how many women are satisfied with just a quick affair and then they move on –looking for husband material.”

“Don’t you get into any sticky situations?”

“Occasionally.” He left the room and returned with one of his flannel shirts. “You can sleep in this. If you’re comfortable.”

“Ok, thanks.”

 Robbie opened up the sofa, retrieved a quilt from the bedroom, along with two pillows and made up the bed. Dale helped.

“There. Okay?”

Dale peeked into the bedroom. “Is this your quilt?”

“Yeah, but I’m usually too warm anyway and kick it off.”


After a quick stop in the bathroom, he returned. His cheeks reddened. “Here. I keep extra toothbrushes around. For emergencies.”

Dale laughed. “Emergencies?” She cocked an eyebrow. “I bet.”


  1. This guy really is full of himself. Love that last line. Great scene.

  2. He is so out there with his honesty that he thinks is admirable. He's a fascinating guy! I'm really enjoying their growing acquaintance.

  3. Every week, I dislike him more and more. What a nut. Can't wait for the inevitable fall! LOL! He is going to fall so hard, he will never get over her. Love it!

  4. He sounds like a man well prepared for "emergencies". But I have a feeling that he's in for a BIG surprise awaiting him in the future.

  5. Eh, I think he likes to think he’s doing the noble thing. And the extra toothbrush was funny! Great job!
